CE 5/24/2005
AN ORDINANCE relating to water facilities in rural areas; and amending Ordinance 11616, Section 13, as amended, and K.C.C. 13.24.138.
SECTION 1. Ordinance 11616 Section 13, as amended, and K.C.C. 13.24.138 are each hereby amended to read as follows:
Water facilities in rural areas.
A. Standards and plans for utility services in rural areas and the design and scale of new water facilities that serve the Urban Growth Area but must be located in the rural area shall be consistent with the needs of long-term low-density residential development and resource industries in the rural area.
B. Consistent with RCW 90.54.020, 70.116, and 70.119A, existing Group A and Group B water systems with approved water system plans are the preferred means of water service within the Rural Area. New development in the rural area ((may)) must be served by ((individual private wells,)) Group A water systems ((or)), Group B water systems ((as follows)) or individual private wells in the following priority order:
1. By a Group A water system through direct service, ((I))if the proposed development is in an approved service area that has been assigned to a Group A water system through a King County-approved coordinated water system plan or is within the approved service area in ((an)) the individual water system plan of a Group A water system that has been reviewed by the county and approved by the state((, the proposed development shall be served by that Group A water system through direct service, if)) and direct service can be provided by that system in a timely and reasonable manner;
2. By a new public water system owned and operated a Group A water system or by a satellite management agency as provided in RCW 70.119A.060, until direct service can be provided by a Group A water system, ((I))if:
a. the proposed development is within the approved service area of a Group...
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