Clerk 08/24/2005
A MOTION approving a monthly report format and baseline budget for the Brightwater project.
WHEREAS, the King County council approved the Regional Wastewater Services Plan ("RWSP") in December 1999, and
WHEREAS, the RWSP outlines a multi-billion dollar capital improvement program to be implemented during the next thirty years, including a thirty-six-million-gallon-per-day wastewater treatment plant, its associated conveyance facilities and a marine outfall in Puget Sound, and
WHEREAS, these facilities, collectively termed Brightwater, need to be constructed by 2010 to provide needed wastewater capacity, protect public health and preserve water quality, and
WHEREAS, King County's wastewater treatment division is responsible for implementing the RWSP, including Brightwater, and
WHEREAS, Ordinance 15083 adopted the wastewater treatment division's six-year budget and makes appropriations for the operation of county agencies, and
WHEREAS, Ordinance 15083, Section 116, appropriates $567,418,747 for the wastewater treatment capital improvements for the year 2005, and
WHEREAS, of that appropriation, $500,000 may not be expended or encumbered until the council approves, by motion, a report unifying Brightwater program reporting and cost monitoring format and including a Brightwater program baseline budget, and
WHEREAS, the proposed baseline budget, Attachment A to this motion, and cost reporting format, Attachment B to this motion, shall serve as a performance measurement tools for the executive and council for the Brightwater program, and
WHEREAS, the report format is modeled after formats currently in use for existing large capital improvement projects and is appropriate to the scale of the Brightwater program, and
WHEREAS, the report begins with a summary of the overall Brightwater project, including a project description, schedule, budget, cash flow (annual and life-to-date) and allied cost summary, as wel...
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