AN ORDINANCE approving the City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan.
K.C.C. chapter 13.24 requires approval of comprehensive plans for sewer utilities as a prerequisite for granting right-of-way franchises and approval of right-of-way construction permits.
The City of Auburn Comprehensive Sewer Plan (plan) discusses sewer service to existing and future populations within the city's twenty-seven-square-mile service area. The service area includes most of the city of Auburn, a small area in the city of Pacific, the Muckleshoot reservation, and parts of urban unincorporated King and Pierce counties. Approximately fifty-nine thousand residents are currently served by the city. At buildout, the population projected to be served by the city could be nearly one hundred forty-two thousand.
All of the city's wastewater flows are treated by King County. The average peak flow currently treated by the county is approximately thirty-five million gallons per day. At buildout, that amount may nearly triple, although reductions in base water use and infiltration and inflow will likely decrease the ultimate flow significantly. The city is working with the county to measure and reduce infiltration and inflow into its sewer system.
A six-year capital program was identified at a cost of approximately seven million five hundred thousand dollars. Funding for the capital improvements will come primarily from revenue bonds and developer funding for currently unsewered areas.
The King County utilities technical review committee (UTRC) reviewed the plan on February 13, 2002, and recommended several technical changes that have been incorporated into the final plan version attached to this ordinance. The UTRC recommends that the council approve the plan.
The city prepared a determination of nonsignificance for the plan on September 12, 2001, in accordance with the state Environmental Policy Act. The city adopted the plan on December 3, 2001, as ...
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