File #: 2002-0135    Version:
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 3/18/2002 In control: Transportation Committee
On agenda: 6/3/2002 Final action: 6/10/2002
Enactment date: Enactment #: 14375
Title: AN ORDINANCE adopting the new transportation concurrency map and the new monitored zones table, and establishing conditions for the council's review of the concurrency test; amending Ordinance 14050, Section 9, and K.C.C. 14.70.220, Ordinance 14050, Section 10, and K.C.C. 14.70.230, Ordinance 14050, Section 13, and K.C.C. 14.70.260 and Ordinance 14050, Section 14, and K.C.C. 14.70.270 and repealing Ordinance 14177, Section 2, and Ordinance 14177, Section 3.
Sponsors: Dwight Pelz, Cynthia Sullivan
Indexes: Traffic, Transportation, Vehicles
Code sections: 14.70.220 - , 14.70.230 - , 14.70.260 - , 14.70.270 -
Attachments: 1. 2002-0135 Fiscal Note-final.doc, 2. 2002-0135 Hearing Notice.doc, 3. 2002-0135 Notice of Enactment.doc, 4. 2002-0135 Revised Staff Report Concurrency 6-03-02.doc, 5. 2002-0135 Staff Report Concurrency 4-10-02.doc, 6. 2002-0135 Staff Report Concurrency 4-24-02.doc, 7. 2002-0135 transmittal letter.doc, 8. A. Transportation Concurrency Level of Service Standards Status Map, dated March 7, 2002, 9. B. Estimated Vehicle Trips For Monitored Zones 3-8-02, 10. Extra materials.pdf
Staff: Hodson, Doug
Clerk 03/15/2002
AN ORDINANCE adopting the new transportation concurrency map and the new monitored zones table, and establishing conditions for the council's review of the concurrency test; amending Ordinance 14050, Section 9, and K.C.C. 14.70.220, Ordinance 14050, Section 10, and K.C.C. 14.70.230, Ordinance 14050, Section 13, and K.C.C. 14.70.260 and Ordinance 14050, Section 14, and K.C.C. 14.70.270 and repealing Ordinance 14177, Section 2, and Ordinance 14177, Section 3.
1. K.C.C. 14.70.270 requires the department of transportation to update the traffic model for concurrency once per year and to submit to the King County council for its review and approval a new concurrency map and table of estimated vehicle trips for monitored zones based on the updated model.
2. The department of transportation completed the update of the traffic model for concurrency in March 2002.
3. Attachments A and B to this ordinance are the new concurrency map and table of estimated vehicle trips for monitored zones based on the updated traffic model.
SECTION 1. Ordinance 14050, Section 9, and K.C.C. 14.70.220 are each hereby amended to read as follows:
Transportation adequacy measure and critical link standards.
A. Concurrency shall be determined by the application of TAM and critical link standards to all proposed developments within unincorporated King County, except for those developments that are exempt from concurrency under K.C.C. 14.70.280.
B. The TAM calculation for a concurrency zone or nonresidential development shows the adequacy of the committed network relative to the adopted level of service. Projects to be provided by the state, cities or other jurisdictions may become part of the committed network upon decision of the director. The following are the TAM standards for each transportation service area, as adopted in the King County Comprehensive Plan Policy ...

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