Clerk 04/28/2021
A MOTION appointing the King County GIS center as the districting master for the 2021 districting plan process.
WHEREAS, the King County Charter requires a districting process for councilmember districts to be completed every ten years, and
WHEREAS, the 2021 districting committee has been appointed and has selected its chair, and
WHEREAS, the committee has also completed a request for proposals process for selection of the districting master, and
WHEREAS, the King County GIS center was the highest rated vendor at the conclusion of the procurement process, and
WHEREAS, the committee received six bids and interviewed three finalists, and
WHEREAS, the process could not be completed by the April timeline established in the charter, necessitating an appointment by the county council;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
The council hereby appoints the King County GIS center as the districting master for the 2021 districting plan process.