Clerk 03/23/2021
A MOTION related to Ordinance 19247, declaring the council's policy regarding the application of Ordinance 19247.
WHEREAS, Ordinance 19247 protects and promotes public peace, health and safety during the coronavirus disease 2019 emergency, proclaimed by the King County executive on March 1, 2020, by requiring grocery businesses located in unincorporated areas of King County to provide hazard pay for grocery employees, thereby compensating those employees for the hazards of working with significant exposure to an infectious disease and increasing retention of employees who provide essential services to local communities, and
WHEREAS, Ordinance 19247 took effect on March 22, 2021, and remains in effect until the termination of the King County executive's March 1, 2020, proclamation of emergency in accordance with the proclamation, and
WHEREAS, to facilitate implementation of Ordinance 19247, the King County council wishes to declare its policy regarding the application of Ordinance 19247 to grocery employees working at a grocery business in unincorporated King County;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
The King County council declares that the term "grocery employee" in Ordinance 19247 does not include:
A. Employees of a grocery employer, who perform administrative functions that entail regular visits to grocery businesses located in unincorporated King County, but those employees are not based or do not primarily work at any of those locations; and
B. Delivery-truck-driver employees of a grocery employer, whose duties primarily involve driving from one grocery business location to another, who are not based at any particular grocery business location, who spend little time in close proximity to grocery employees and whose work does not require them to interact with members of the public; and
C. Home delivery truck driver employees of a grocery employer, whose duties primarily involve driving from grocery business locations to fill customers' orders, who are not based at any particular grocery business location, who spend little time in close
proximity to grocery employees and whose work does not require them to interact with members of the public.