AN ORDINANCE relating to council rules and order of business; amending Ordinance 11683, Section 1, as amended, and K.C.C. 1.24.005, Ordinance 11683, Section 4, as amended, and K.C.C. 1.24.035, Ordinance 11683, Section 5, as amended, and K.C.C. 1.24.045, Ordinance 11683, Section 6, as amended, and K.C.C. 1.24.055, Ordinance 11683, Section 7, as amended, and K.C.C. 1.24.065, Ordinance 11683, Section 9, as amended, and K.C.C. 1.24.085, Ordinance 11683, Section 16, as amended, and K.C.C. 1.24.155, Ordinance 11683, Section 23, as amended, and K.C.C. 1.24.225, Ordinance 11683, Section 31, as amended, and K.C.C. 1.24.305, adding a new section to K.C.C. chapter 1.24; and declaring an emergency.
SECTION 1. Findings:
A. Section 220.40 of the King County Charter requires the council to adopt by ordinance rules of procedure governing the time, place and conduct of its meetings.
B. Consistent with the county charter, the council adopted by ordinance rules of procedure, which are codified in K.C.C. chapter 1.24, and passed motions related to the organization and administration of the council.
C. The rules ordinance and the organizational motion have been amended from time to time to reflect desired changes in the council's rules of procedure and organization.
D. Because the council is reorganizing the council and its committees by Motion XXXXX (Proposed Motion 2021-0027), effective January 5, 2021, including modifying committees, committee chair and vice-chair positions and duties, this ordinance must be enacted as an emergency ordinance in order to be effective and ensure that the regular meeting times of the council's committees are effective contemporaneously with the reorganization of the council.
SECTION 2. Ordinance 11683, Section 1, as amended, and K.C.C. 1.24.005 are hereby amended to read as follows:
Rule 1: Definitions. The definitions in this rule apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
A. "Administrative committee" means a committee, other than a special or standing committee, established in the organization motion to act and make recommendations to the council on matters assigned to the committee.
B. "Committee" means a standing, special or administrative committee of the council as so designated by rule, motion or appointment by the chair of the council.
C. "Electronic" or "electronically" means transmitting by email. "Electronic signature" refers to a signature satisfying the requirements of executive's policy INF 14-3-EP, with an effective date of July 23, 2020, as now existing or as hereafter amended or superseded.
D. "Legislation" means a "motion" or "ordinance" as those terms are used in Section 230 and 240 of the King County Charter.
((D.)) E. "Regional committee" means a regional committee established under Section 270 of the King County Charter.
((E.)) F. "Special committee" means a committee that goes out of existence as soon as it has completed a specified task.
((F.)) G. "Standing committee" means a committee, excluding regional committees, composed exclusively of councilmembers created by the council and given the task of reviewing legislation.
((G.)) H. "Work session" means a ((committee of the whole)) council assembly held for the purposes of engaging in deliberations, discussions, considerations, reviews and evaluations of issues of interest to the entire council. A final action, meaning the collective decision of the committee or an actual vote by the committee on a motion, proposal, order or ordinance, shall not take place in a work session.
SECTION 3. Ordinance 11683, Section 4, as amended, and K.C.C. 1.24.035 are hereby amended to read as follows:
Rule 4: Meetings.
A.1.a. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the time of regular meetings of the council is 1:00 p.m. on the first, second, third and fourth Tuesdays of each ((week)) month; the time of work sessions is 12:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. However, the regular meetings of the council shall not take place: from ((August 1, 2020, through August 14, 2020; and from December 16, 2020, through January 3, 2021)) April 12, 2021, through April 16, 2021; from August 2, 2021, through August 13, 2021; and from December 15, 2021, through January 3, 2022. ((Until either the executive terminates the March 1, 2020, proclamation of emergency in response to COVID-19 or this subsection is amended, the regular meeting time of the council is 1:00 p.m. on every-other Tuesday, starting with the regular council meeting on April 14, 2020.)) All regular or special meetings of council committees shall be regular or special council meetings, in accordance with subsection F. of this rule.
b. ((Each fifth Wednesday of each month from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. shall be reserved for special regional committee meetings as needed. Each first and third Wednesday from 1:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. is reserved for meetings of the flood control district executive committee. Each Monday at 9:30 a.m. is reserved for special meetings of standing committees. Each fifth Monday of each month from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. is reserved for special regional and standing committee meetings. If a special meeting for more than one committee is called for the same time and location, the meeting for which the council clerk first receives written notice shall take precedence for use of the meeting location. In order to allow each member sufficient time to review legislation and to meet with constituents, staff and officials of other jurisdictions, no)) A special committee meeting may not be called ((for any other time than the days and times specified in this subsection for the respective committees)) without the prior written consent of the council chair or the consent of a majority of the members of the committee. This subsection A.1.b. does not apply to special meetings of the budget and fiscal management committee for purposes of considering the county executive's biennial budget proposal, which shall be called by the chair of the budget and fiscal management committee.
2.a. All regular meetings of the King County council and the council's committees, except for ((the committee of the whole work sessions)) employment and administration committee meetings and work sessions of the council, shall be held in the council chambers on the tenth floor of the King County Courthouse in Seattle, Washington. All regular meetings of the ((committee of the whole work sessions)) employment and administration committee meetings and work sessions of the council shall be held in the southwest conference room on the twelfth floor of the King County Courthouse in Seattle, Washington.
b. Whenever, due to an emergency, as defined in K.C.C. 12.52.010, it is imprudent, inexpedient or impossible to conduct the affairs of the council at the regular or usual place or places, the council may meet at any place within or without the territorial limits of the county on the call of the chair or any two members of the council. After an emergency relocation, the affairs of the council shall be lawfully conducted at the emergency location for the duration of the emergency.
B.1. Except as provided in subsection B.2. ((and 3.)) of this rule, the times for regular and special committee meetings are as follows:
a. Budget and fiscal management committee: the ((second and fourth Wednesdays)) third Tuesday of each month at 9:30 a.m.;
b. Committee of the whole((, except for work sessions, which are the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 12:30 p.m.)): the ((second and fourth Mondays of each month at 1:30 p.m.)) first and third Wednesdays of each month at 9:30 a.m.;
c. Community, health and housing services committee: the ((first and third)) second Wednesday((s)) of each month at 9:30 a.m.;
d. Employment and administration committee: the ((third)) fourth Tuesday of each month at 1:30 p.m.;
e. Government accountability and oversight committee: the ((first and third)) second Tuesday((s)) of each month at 9:30 a.m.;
f. Law and justice committee: the ((second and fourth)) first Tuesday((s)) of each month at 9:30 a.m.;
g. Local services committee: the ((first and third Mondays)) fourth Tuesday of each month at ((1:30 p.m.)) 9:30 a.m.;
h. Mobility and environment committee: the ((second and)) fourth Wednesday((s)) of each month at ((1:00 p.m.)) 9:30 a.m.;
i. Regional policy committee: the second Wednesday of each month at 3:00 p.m.;
j. Regional transit committee: the third Wednesday of each month at 3:00 p.m.; and
k. Regional water quality committee: the first Wednesday of each month at 3:00 p.m.((;))
2. The regular meetings of the committees shall not take place during the times when the council meeting does not take place, as prescribed in subsection A. of this rule.
((3. Until either the executive terminates the March 1, 2020, proclamation of emergency in response to COVID-19 or this subsection is amended, the regular meeting time of the committee of the whole is 1:00 p.m. on every-other Tuesday, starting with the regular committee meeting on April 7, 2020. In addition, a regular meeting of the committee of the whole shall occur on March 31, 2020.))
C. Council and committee meetings must be held in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act of 1971, chapter 42.30 RCW.
D. A meeting may be continued, in accordance with chapter 42.30 RCW, to another date and does not conclude until adjourned in accordance with these rules.
E.1. An executive session may be held during a council or committee meeting if one of the specific grounds under chapter 42.30 RCW for an executive session exists.
2. Before convening in executive session, the chair of the council or committee shall publicly announce the purpose for excluding the public from the meeting place and the time when the executive session will be concluded. The executive session may be extended to a stated later time by announcement of the chair.
3. Only members of the council or committee, special invitees and those employees or staff members the council or committee determines to be necessary are allowed to remain in the room. Persons attending an executive session shall maintain the confidentiality of the proceedings.
F.1. A legal analysis of the Open Public Meetings Act by the office of the Attorney General, 2010 AGO No. 9, has advised that when a committee meeting is attended by a quorum of the governing body it must be noticed not only as a committee meeting but also as a meeting of the governing body. For this reason, all meetings, including work sessions, of council committees shall be noticed both as committee meetings and as council meetings whose agenda is limited to the committee business.
2. In all committee meetings, which are council meetings in accordance with subsection F.1. of this rule, only the rules and procedures applicable to committees apply, and not those rules and procedures applicable to full council meetings. This includes, but is not limited to:
a. only those members who serve on the committee have the right to exercise parliamentary rights in the meeting, including, but not limited to, raising points of order, making motions and voting;
b. attendance shall be recorded only for members serving on the committee, and the quorum for the meeting shall be the committee quorum; and
c. committee meetings shall be chaired by the committee chair.
SECTION 4. Ordinance 11683, Section 5, as amended, and K.C.C. 1.24.045 are hereby amended to read as follows:
Rule 5: Agenda.
A. Council business must be disposed of in the following order, or in an order the chair deems appropriate, subject to appeal as provided in Rule 5.D, K.C.C. 1.24.045.D:
1. Roll call;
2. Flag salute and Pledge of Allegiance, the leading of which must be offered by a member of the council and which must rotate among all members of the council;
3. Approval of minutes;
4. Additions to the council agenda;
5. Special items;
6. General public comment when scheduled in accordance with Rule 10, K.C.C. 1.24.095;
7. ((Plat tracings;
8.)) Hearing and second reading of ordinances from standing committees and regional committees, and of ordinances related to collective bargaining;
((9.)) 8. First reading of and action on emergency ordinances without referral to committee;
((10.)) 9. Consent agenda on hearing examiner recommendations;
((11.)) 10. Motions, from standing committees and regional committees and motions related to collective bargaining, for council action;
((12.)) 11. First reading of and action on motions without referral to committee;
((13.)) 12. Consent agenda on reappointments to boards and commissions;
((14.)) 13. Consent agenda on reports and recommended actions from the employment and administration committee;
((15.)) 14. Other reports and recommended actions from the employment and administration committee;
((16.)) 15. First reading and referral of ordinances;
((17.)) 16. First reading and referral of motions;
((18.)) 17. Reports from members serving on special and outside committees;
((19.)) 18. Extra items;
((20.)) 19. Messages from the county executive and other county officials, the judiciary, the regional committees and other agencies;
((21.)) 20. Other business; and
((22.)) 21. Adjournment.
B. Legislation or other items for placement on the council meeting agenda must be submitted electronically to the clerk of the council by 10:00 a.m. Thursday of the week before the next scheduled meeting, except that:
1. If directed by the chair, the clerk may place an item on the council agenda with a note that the item is contingent on being voted out of committee before the council meeting; and
2. Legislation or other items needing action by the full council may be added at the discretion of the chair of the council at a regularly scheduled council meeting. The chair shall apply the following criteria for the additions:
a. the legislation is particularly time-sensitive and delay in action either:
(1) might impair the effectiveness of the county’s responses to emergencies such as natural or human-made disasters, or other circumstances seriously affecting the public health, safety or welfare or the support of county government and its existing public institutions; or
(2) might impair timely performance under deadlines of a statute, ordinance, contract, interlocal agreement, real property instrument or other provision requiring immediate action;
b. legislation, together with an introduction slip from the sponsor, should be electronically delivered to the clerk before the beginning of the council meeting((. The original should be provided to the clerk, together with an introduction slip from the sponsor)); and
c. the sponsor should provide a brief written description to the chair of the reason for the need to expedite the legislation without regular committee review.
D. The chair shall notify the members present of proposed changes to the agenda. If two members object to a change, a majority of the members present shall decide whether to change the agenda.
SECTION 5. Ordinance 11683, Section 6, as amended, and K.C.C. 1.24.055 are hereby amended to read as follows:
Rule 6: Standing committees. The standing committees shall operate as follows:
A. A majority of a committee constitutes a quorum. A committee is considered to have a quorum present unless the question is raised by a member of the committee. If a member objects to proceeding because of the lack of a quorum, the committee may not conduct official business, except to conduct a hearing. The appointment or use of alternate members is not allowed for a standing committee. Any member of the council may attend and participate in any committee meeting by asking questions and offering comments on any matter before the committee. Only members of the committee may exercise parliamentary rights in the committee, including, but not limited to, raising points of order, making motions and voting((.));
B. During its consideration of a vote on legislation, the deliberations of a committee must be open to the public((.));
C.1. A vote to report a piece of legislation out of committee must be taken by the "ayes" and "nos," with the committee clerk recording on the vote roll call form the recommendation, the names of the members voting for and against the recommendation, as well as the names of the members ((absent)) excused. On any matter, including but not limited to an amendment, a vote must be taken by oral roll call if requested by a member of the committee. A standing committee may not vote by secret ballot on an issue. Each vote roll call form must be preserved as prescribed by the clerk of the council. ((Except as otherwise provided in subsection E. of this section and also except for a regional committee, l))
2. Legislation may be reported out of committee by less than a quorum of the committee, subject to ((signature by a majority of the members of the committee,)) the provisions of subsection C.3. of this rule, unless a member present requests a vote on the recommendation by a quorum of the committee. If a member so requests, the legislation may not be reported out of the committee at that meeting without an affirmative vote by a majority of the quorum of the committee.
3. The committee's recommendation on a piece of legislation reported out of committee ((subject to signature by a majority of the members of the committee)) by less than a quorum of the committee is not effective unless ((signed by)) a majority of the committee ((and delivered to the clerk by the close of the second business day after the committee action. A vote in a committee must be recorded and the vote must be preserved as prescribed by the clerk of the council.)) members support the recommendation as evidenced either by an affirmative vote at the committee meeting or, if the member were excused, by the member electronically notifying the committee clerk, by the end of the day of the committee meeting, of the member's vote in support of the recommendation;
D. ((Except as otherwise provided in subsection E. of this section, l))Legislation must be reported to the council from a standing committee ((must have a majority recommendation report, which must be prepared upon a printed standing committee report form and must be signed by a majority of the committee)) with one of the following recommendations:
1. Do pass;
2. Do pass -- consent;
3. Do pass substitute;
4. Do pass substitute -- consent;
5. Do not pass;
6. Postpone indefinitely;
7. Pass out of committee with no recommendation; or
8. Refer to another committee((.));
E. ((During a period of an emergency proclaimed by the executive and as directed by the chair of the council in writing:
1. Legislation may not be reported out of committee by less than a quorum of the committee present;
2. ))For each piece of legislation voted on in committee, the committee clerk shall prepare a vote roll call form, as prescribed by the clerk of the council, that shall record the recommendation of the committee, and shall include the type and number of the legislation, the version of the legislation, number of the "ayes" and "nos," and the names of the members voting for and against, as well as the names of the members ((absent;
3. If a member is absent from a vote on a piece of legislation and as a result of the roll call vote at the meeting, the piece of legislation received a majority recommendation, the member shall have until the end of the day of the meeting to email the committee clerk with the member's vote in support of the majority recommendation and the committee clerk shall record that member's affirmative vote on the vote roll call form for that piece of legislation and attach a copy of the email to the vote roll call form; and
4. The vote roll call form shall act as the majority recommendation report by which legislation shall be reported to the council no earlier than the next day after the committee meeting.)) excused;
F. The rules and procedures contained in this chapter must be observed, when applicable, in all proceedings of a standing or special committee of the council((.));
G.1. The chair of the committee shall set the agenda for the committee, including whether and when to include on a specific agenda for action proposed legislation referred to the committee by the council chair.
2. The chair shall set an initial agenda not less than seven business days in advance of a committee meeting and the committee clerk shall post and electronically distribute such initial agenda not less than six business days in advance of a committee meeting. If the chair determines that revisions to the agenda are needed after posting and distribution, the chair should expeditiously direct that a revised agenda be posted and electronically distributed.
3. A change to the last distributed and posted agenda made at a meeting must be announced by the chair and is subject to appeal to the full committee present by any two members of the committee. A majority of the members present shall decide an appeal under this subsection((.));
H. Notice of a special meeting must be made in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act of 1971, chapter 42.30 RCW. ((The committee chair may call up to six special meetings per calendar year. An additional special meeting may be called only upon the request of the chair and the written consent of either the vice-chair of the committee or the chair of the council before the meeting.)) A special meeting may be called only when:
1. There is time-sensitive legislation or information that cannot be presented and considered in the ordinary committee meeting schedule;
2. A joint meeting of two or more committees is necessary to consider a matter; or
3. An unusual and extreme workload of a committee does not allow its full consideration during the ordinary committee meeting schedule((.)); and
I. A committee may not recess a meeting for longer than eight hours unless consent is given consistent with Rule 6.G., K.C.C. 1.24.055.G. Such a recess constitutes a special meeting solely for the purpose of counting the six discretionary special meetings provided for in this rule. If recess is until the next day but less than twenty-four hours, then the maximum possible notice must be given. If recess is for greater than twenty-four hours, then at least twenty-four hours' notice must be given.
SECTION 6. Ordinance 11683, Section 7, as amended, and K.C.C. 1.24.065 are hereby amended to read as follows:
Rule 7: Regional committees.
A. Establishment. Three regional, standing committees are established as provided under the King County Charter to develop, recommend and review regional policies and plans for consideration by the council: the regional transit committee, the regional water quality committee and the regional policies committee.
B. Membership.
1. Composition of committees.
a. The regional policies committee and regional transit committee are to each have nine voting members. Three members of each committee, including the chair of each, must be county councilmembers appointed by the chair of the council and must include councilmembers from districts with unincorporated residents. Each county councilmember vote shall be weighted as two votes. The chair of the county council shall also appoint the chair of each committee. The remaining members of each committee must be local elected city officials appointed from and in proportion to the relative populations of the city of Seattle and the other cities and towns in the county. Cities and towns other than the city of Seattle may appoint two persons for each of their allocated memberships in each committee, each person with one-half vote. A vice-chair of each committee shall be elected by majority vote of the committee members who are not county councilmembers.
b. The regional water quality committee is to have nine voting members. Three members of the committee, including the chair, must be county councilmembers appointed by the chair of the council, and must include councilmembers from districts with unincorporated residents. The chair of the county council shall also appoint the chair of the committee. Each county councilmember vote shall be weighted as two votes. The remaining members of the committee must be local elected city officials appointed from and in proportion to the relative populations of the city of Seattle and the other cities and towns in the county, and two members from special purpose districts providing sewer service in King County. Cities and towns other than the city of Seattle may appoint two persons for each of their allocated memberships, each person with one-half vote. Special purpose districts located outside of the county that receive sewerage treatment services from the county may jointly designate one nonvoting representative to serve on the committee. A vice-chair of the committee shall be elected by majority vote of the committee members who are not county councilmembers.
2. Alternating memberships. Each appointing authority may alternate members in accordance with the procedures established by the authority. The appointments must be announced at the beginning of each regional committee meeting to the committee chair or vice-chair and committee secretary by a person authorized by the appointing authority. Each appointing authority shall identify those members to receive mailings and notices of meetings.
3. Powers and duties of the chair. The chair of the committee has the following powers and duties:
a. The chair shall:
(1) call the committee to order at the hour appointed for meeting and, if a quorum is present, shall cause the minutes of the previous meeting to be approved;
(2) proceed with the order of business; and
(3) adjourn the committee upon a motion to adjourn approved by a majority of members present;
b. The chair shall preserve order and decorum and in the interest of efficiency may impose time and subject matter limits for testimony and comment given by the public and members of the committee;
c. The chair shall promote efficient operation of the committee. The chair's act of adding to, removing from or taking out of order an item on a distributed and posted agenda may be appealed to the full body by members whose cumulative voting power is at least two votes. The chair shall discourage activities that are dilatory or disruptive. The chair shall endeavor to facilitate the will of the majority of members present at all times;
d. The chair may speak to points of order, inquiry or information in preference to other members. Upon a ruling of the chair on a point of order, the chair shall allow any members whose cumulative voting power is at least two votes to immediately request that the decision be placed before the body. If a majority of votes present agrees to the ruling of the chair, the business of the committee must proceed without further debate. If a majority of the votes present does not support the ruling of the chair, the chair shall immediately allow a procedural motion to dispense with the issue in question, proceeding until a decision of the committee is secured and the business of the committee is allowed to proceed; and
e. The chair shall provide electronic copies to all committee members of all official communications and requests for committee action addressed to the chair.
4. Powers and duties of the vice-chair.
a. There shall be one vice-chair of each committee.
b. At committee meetings, the vice-chair shall exercise the duties, powers and prerogatives of the committee chair in the chair's absence.
5. Chair actions, vice-chair consultation.
a. The chair shall consult with the vice-chair in:
(1) developing a draft work program for consideration by the full committee;
(2) setting a schedule for carrying out the committee's work program; and
(3) cancelling or changing the date, time or place of committee meeting.
b. If the vice-chair disagrees with a chair's proposed decision regarding the matters under subsection B.5.a. of this rule, the chair shall not take unilateral action and shall refer the matters to the full committee.
C. Quorum, notice and voting. Members representing six and one-half votes constitute a quorum of a regional committee. In the absence of a quorum, the committee may perform all committee functions except for voting on legislation or a work program. Notice of all regular and special meetings must be provided as specified in the Open Public Meetings Act of 1971, chapter 42.30 RCW, and notice must be given to members of the committees, including members who at any time during the calendar year have served on the committee or have been designated by their appointing authority to receive notice. All recommendations of a regional committee on council-referred ordinances or motions must be approved by a majority of the members present and voting, with no fewer than three and one-half affirmative votes. ((All recommendations must be signed only by members who were present and voting on the matter and be made on a committee report form supplied by the council.)) For each piece of legislation voted on in committee, the committee clerk shall prepare vote roll call form that shall record the recommendation of the committee, and shall include the type and number of the legislation, the version of the legislation, number of the "ayes" and "nos" and the names of the members voting for and against, as well as the names of the members excused. Each vote roll call form must be preserved as prescribed by the clerk of the council. There may not be voting by proxy.
D.1.a. Referral to the regional transit committee. The chair of the council shall refer to the regional transit committee countywide policies and plans related to the transit services formerly provided by the municipality of metropolitan Seattle. If a standing committee of the council is considering an issue that, upon the standing committee's subsequent review, the standing committee believes should be considered as a countywide policy or plan related to transit, then the standing committee shall so inform the chair of the council. The chair of the council may then determine whether the policy or plan is to be referred to a regional committee.
b. Referral to the regional water quality committee. The chair of the council shall refer to the regional water quality committee countywide policies and plans related to the water quality services formerly provided by the municipality of metropolitan Seattle. If a standing committee of the council is considering an issue that, upon the standing committee's subsequent review, the standing committee believes should be considered as a countywide policy or plan related to water quality, then the standing committee shall so inform the chair of the council. The chair of the council may then determine whether the policy or plan is to be referred to a regional committee.
2. Regional policies committee work program. The regional policies committee shall establish its subject matter through a work program adopted by a majority of those committee members present and voting, with no fewer than three and one-half affirmative votes, though the work program shall be limited as provided by charter or ordinance, including but not limited to, subsection K. of this rule. Once the work program is adopted, all regional policies and plans related to the subject matter must be referred to the committee by the council.
3. Provisions applicable to referrals by council chair and rereferrals. Referrals by the council chair or rereferrals are subject to the procedures, rights and constraints of Rules 13, 17 and 26, K.C.C. 1.24.125, 1.24.165 and 1.24.255.
E. Time for review -- committees. A regional committee shall review legislation referred to it by the county council within one hundred twenty days of the legislation's referral or such other time as is jointly established by the council and the committee, which shall be confirmed in the form of a motion adopted by the council. However, the committee may request, and the county council may grant by motion, additional time for review. If the committee fails to act upon the proposed policy or plan within the established time limit, the county council may adopt the proposed policy or plan upon six affirmative votes.
F. Time for review - council. The council shall amend, adopt or defeat the legislation referred to a regional committee within ninety days after receipt of an initial regional committee recommendation. However, upon receipt of the council chair's written request for an extension of the time limit, the committee may approve the request in writing by a majority vote at a special meeting or the next regular meeting of the committee.
G. Adoption.
1. A proposed policy or plan recommended by a regional committee may be adopted, without amendment, by the county council by five affirmative votes.
2. A proposed policy or plan that differs from the policy or plan recommended by a regional committee may be adopted by the county council by six affirmative votes after the regional committee has had the opportunity to review all county council amendments.
H. Amendments and rereferral.
1. If the county council votes before the final passage to amend a proposed policy or plan that has been reviewed or recommended by a regional committee, the proposed policy or plan, as amended, must be referred to the appropriate regional committee for further review and recommendation.
2. The timeline for the committee's review after rereferral may not be greater than sixty days. However, the committee may request, and the county council may grant by motion, additional time for review. The committee may concur in, dissent from or recommend additional amendments to the policy or plan.
3. The council shall amend, adopt or defeat the legislation within sixty days after receipt of a regional committee recommendation following rereferral by the council.
I. Regional committee consideration of other regional issues. The chair of the council may request that one or more regional committees examine and comment upon other pending issues that are not countywide policies or plans but would benefit from interjurisdictional discussion. The issues may include, but are not limited to, operational, organizational or implementation measures for countywide plans and policies. This type of regional committee analysis and comment is not subject to the mandatory procedural requirements of Section 270.30 of the King County Charter and the county council may need to act on such issues before comment from the regional committee.
J. Regional committee governed by King County Charter, King County Code, other rules and procedures. The regional committee is governed by the King County Charter, the King County Code and, except to the extent expressly provided otherwise, the rules and procedures established for standing and special committees in this chapter.
K. Role of regional committees.
1. A regional committee shall focus on planning and policy setting in program areas where it has been determined that regional service or facility planning is required and in area where it is agreed the opportunity and need for the planning exist. A regional committee is not responsible for routine review and recommendation on operational and administrative matters such as contracts, budgets, appropriations, and fares and rates, formerly performed by the council of metropolitan Seattle. A regional committee may, however, deal with policies to develop fares and rates within the committee's subject matter area.
2. The regional transit committee shall develop, review and recommend countywide policies and plans related to the transportation services formerly provided by the municipality of metropolitan Seattle. Plans and policies that must be assigned to the committee include, but are not limited to, the long-range transit system and capital improvement plans, service design, development and allocation policies, financial policies, fare policies, facility siting policy and major facilities siting process, and review and comment upon Regional Transit Authority plans.
3. The regional water quality committee shall develop, review and recommend countywide policies and plans related to the water pollution control functions formerly provided by the municipality of metropolitan Seattle. Plans and policies that must be assigned to the committee include, but are not limited to, water quality comprehensive and long-range capital improvement plans, service area and extension policies, rate policies, and the facility siting policy and major facilities siting process.
4. The regional policies committee shall review and recommend regional policies and plans, other than transit and water quality plans, that are within the subject matter area for the committee. Also, the committee may develop proposed policies and plans on issues of countywide significance but, unless referred to the committee by the county council, the policies and plans are not subject to the procedural requirements of Section 270.30 of the King County Charter. Issues that may be referred to the committee or be the subject of the committee's policy development include, but are not limited to, public health, human services, open space, housing, solid waste management, regional services financial policies, criminal justice, jails and district court services, and regional facilities siting. In addition, the regional policies committee may consider major regional governance transition and consolidation issues, particularly those involving potential changes in organization and responsibilities with other county, city or regional organizations.
L. Policies or plans proposed by regional committees. A regional committee may develop and propose directly to the council, an ordinance or motion adopting, amending or repealing a countywide policy or plan regarding regional transit, water quality or other countywide policies and plans within the subject matter area of the committee. The proposals must be approved by a majority of the committee members present and voting, with no fewer than three and one-half affirmative votes. For purposes of this subsection, "the subject matter area" of the regional policies committee includes matters in the committee's adopted work program. Within one hundred twenty days of introduction by the committee, the council or a standing committee shall consider the proposed legislation and take such action on the proposed legislation as the council or standing committee deems appropriate, including approval, rejection, amendment and rereferral, postponement or any other action of record during a council or standing committee meeting. Within five calendar days following council or standing committee action, the clerk of the council or the standing committee shall notify the vice-chair of the committee of the action taken. If the council amends the proposed legislation, the procedures described in subsection H. of this rule shall be followed, except that the council's duty to act on the legislation under subsection H.3. of this rule shall be satisfied by approval, rejection, amendment and rereferral, postponement or any other action of record taken during a council or standing committee meeting within sixty days following receipt of the legislation from the regional committee.
M. Meetings to assist regional committees. To assist each regional committee in evaluating countywide policies and plans, the committee may conduct public meetings and hearings and request briefings and other information from citizens, county, state and local agencies, business entities and other organizations.
SECTION 7. Ordinance 11683, Section 9, as amended, and K.C.C. 1.24.085 are hereby amended to read as follows:
Rule 9: Introduction and initial consideration of proposed legislation.
A. All legislative proposals submitted to the King County council by the executive shall be accompanied by a completed Legislative Review Form in the form of Attachment A to Ordinance 17666, dated July 25, 2013, or as amended from time to time. In addition, all legislative proposals involving the collective bargaining or appropriations ordinances limited solely to the costs associated with the implementation of collective bargaining shall be accompanied by a summary of the legislation that includes the current costs and five-year implementation costs as well as changes to working conditions and any other substantive changes compared to prior agreements.
B. Upon the electronic receipt of proposed legislation from the executive, the sheriff, the assessor, the presiding judge, the prosecuting attorney, the director of elections or a councilmember, the clerk of the council shall assign a proposed number to the legislation. The clerk may make formatting and nonsubstantive revisions in form and style to proposed legislation before first reading and shall indicate on the revised legislation that the legislation is revised by the clerk and the date of the revision.
C. Upon electronically filing with the clerk of the council ((of either a signature of at least one member of the council or electronic)) sponsorship of legislation, by at least one councilmember in a form prescribed by the clerk of the council, or upon receipt by the council of a proposed ordinance submitted as an institutional initiative under Section 230.50.10 of the King County Charter, the proposed legislation is introduced and must be placed on the agenda for first reading and referral. Receipt of an institutional initiative may be received in paper form or electronically. Legislation may be introduced with the title only, but the text of the legislation must be filed with the clerk by first reading. In accordance with Rule 2.E., K.C.C. 1.24.015.E., the chair of the council shall refer both the title and the subsequently filed text of the legislation to committee if the legislation was introduced with the title only. If the text of the legislation is not timely filed, the legislation is to be removed from the agenda and is not to be referred to committee.
D. A member may add the member’s own name to sponsorship of legislation at any time before passage of the legislation by electronically informing the clerk of the council ((in writing)). The first member listed on the first introduction slip filed for legislation may not remove that member’s own name from sponsorship of the legislation. However, any other sponsor of legislation may remove that sponsor’s own name from sponsorship of the legislation by electronically informing the clerk of the council ((in writing)).
E. First reading of legislation shall consist of either:
1. Printing the number and title of the proposed legislation on the published agenda; or
2. Adding the proposed legislation to the agenda under Rule 5, K.C.C. 1.24.045.B.2. or 3. and including this information in the council's minutes.
F. After the first reading, proposed legislation must be referred to an appropriate committee or committees by the chair of the council, except for motions confirming executive reappointments to boards or commissions, which may be referred directly to a council consent agenda, or legislation related to collective bargaining, including appropriation ordinances limited solely to the costs associated with implementation of a collective bargaining agreement. Proposed legislation referred to more than one committee must be considered consecutively by the committees in the order set forth on the marked published agenda or as specified by the chair during the meeting and reflected in the council's minutes.
G. Upon being reported out of committee with a recommendation ((signed by a majority of the committee)), proposed legislation must be placed upon an agenda for appropriate action, after consideration of public hearing notice requirements, one week after the Wednesday after the committee meeting, unless the committee chair decides and states on the record at the committee meeting that the item be placed on the next council agenda. The clerk of the council may make formatting and nonsubstantive revisions in form to proposed legislation after the legislation is reported out of the committee and before the legislation is placed on the agenda for second reading and shall indicate on the revised legislation that the legislation is revised by the clerk and the date of the revision.
H. Proposed legislation related to collective bargaining, including appropriation ordinances limited solely to the costs associated with implementation of collective bargaining agreements must be placed on the agenda for appropriate action, after consideration of public hearing notice requirements, one week after its first reading.
SECTION 8. Ordinance 11683, Section 16, as amended, and K.C.C. 1.24.155 are hereby amended to read as follows:
Rule 16: Amendments. A member may sponsor amendments to proposed legislation for consideration by the council or a standing committee, in accordance with the following:
A. The clerk of the council shall establish the proper form for an amendment. Except as provided in subsection ((F.)) G. of this rule, an amendment must:
1. Be in writing;
2. Bear the name of the member who sponsors it as well as the page and line number of the proposed legislation to be amended; and
3. Be electronically distributed to each member at the time the legislation is before the council or standing committee((.));
B. ((As a courtesy to the clerk, amendments should be filed one-half hour before the beginning of the council meeting.
C.)) An amendment to proposed legislation may not change the scope and object of the proposed legislation. An amendment must be germane and must embrace the single subject contained within the proposed legislation((.));
C. For amendments to be drafted by legislative services staff, and reviewed by clerk of the council staff and legal counsel, members shall provide direction to staff to draft amendments in accordance with the following deadlines:
1. For standing committees:
a. Except as otherwise provided in subsection C.1.d. of this rule, if a member desires a striking amendment be prepared, the member shall provide such direction to staff no later than the end of the fifth business day before the day the legislation is expected to be considered by the council or a standing committee. For example, for legislation expected to be considered at a Tuesday council or standing committee meeting, a member shall provide direction to staff to prepare a striking amendment no later than the end of the preceding Tuesday;
b. Except as otherwise provided in subsection C.1.d. of this rule, staff shall prepare a striking amendment and the sponsor shall distribute the striking amendment to all members of the council or standing committee no later than the end of the third business day before the day the legislation will be considered. For example, for legislation expected to be considered at a Tuesday council or standing committee meeting, a striking amendment shall be prepared and distributed no later than the end of the preceding Thursday;
c. Except as otherwise provided in subsection C.1.d. of this rule, if a member if desires a line amendment be prepared, the member shall provide such direction to staff no later than the end of the second business day before the day that legislation is expected to be considered by the council or a standing committee. For example, for legislation expected to be considered at a Tuesday council or standing committee meeting, a member shall provide direction to staff to draft a line amendment no later than the end of the preceding Friday; and
d. The chair of the standing committee may select alternate deadlines for striking amendments and line amendments, provided that such alternate deadlines are distributed to all members of the council no later than the end of the day three business days after the date of introduction and referral of the legislation;
2. For legislation that is referred to a regional committee in accordance with Rule 7, subsection D., K.C.C. 1.24.065.D., the chairs of such regional committee and the standing committee shall jointly select alternate deadlines for striking amendments and line amendments and shall distribute such alternate deadlines to all members of the regional committee and the council no later than the end of the day three business days after the date of introduction and referral of the legislation; and
3. For an amendment for which direction was not provided to staff in accordance with the deadlines in subsection C.1. and 2. of this rule, during a meeting at which the legislation is being considered:
a. A member may make a motion in accordance with subsection H. of this rule; or
b. A member may make a written or oral motion describing the amendment's concept and calling for a written amendment to be considered. The chair shall call for a vote on the amendment concept and if the motion passes by a majority of the members present, the chair shall recess the meeting so that staff may prepare and distribute a written amendment to all members of the body;
D. As a courtesy to the clerk, amendments should be electronically filed with the clerk by 10:00 a.m. the day of the council meeting;
E.1. For the purposes of this subsection ((D)) E.:
a. "line amendment" means an amendment that either adds or deletes, or both, material in a specified portion of legislation. A "specified portion of legislation" includes either or both the legislation's body and any substantive attachment incorporated as part of the legislation; and
b. "striking amendment" means an amendment that deletes the entire text of legislation and inserts new language.
2. Striking amendments should be considered before any line amendments. If a striking amendment is moved, all line amendments to the striking amendment, including amendments to the attachment, must be approved or rejected before the striking amendment is approved or rejected.
3. Line amendments should be considered section by section with perfecting amendments considered first.
4. Only one amendment and one amendment to the amendment are permitted at a time, but any number of each may be moved in succession if a question already decided is not raised again.
5. Title amendments must be considered after the amendments to the proposed legislation((.));
((E.)) F.1. Substitute legislation may only come before the council after consideration by a standing committee. A member may demand a vote on the question of whether the committee substitute is to be substituted for the original proposed legislation. A substitute ordinance must be within the scope and object of the original proposed ordinance.
2. A member may move proposed substitute legislation for a standing committee's consideration, but a member may demand a vote on the question of whether the standing committee is to consider the original legislation rather than the proposed substitute legislation. A proposed substitute ordinance must be within the scope and object of the original proposed ordinance((.));
((F.)) G. In accordance with Rule 14.A, K.C.C. 1.24.135.A, proposed legislation on the consent agenda is not subject to amendment except as recommended in the committee report((.)); and
((G.)) H. To promote efficiency, the council chair, or the chair of a standing committee at the committee's meeting, may accept for consideration an oral amendment that is easily understood.
SECTION 9. Ordinance 11683, Section 23, as amended, and K.C.C. 1.24.225 are hereby amended to read as follows:
Rule 23: Lapse and reintroduction of legislation. Proposed legislation that is not passed or defeated on a vote on final passage at a council meeting before the end of the calendar year lapses if not introduced, reintroduced or passed or defeated on a vote on final passage at a council meeting by February 1 of the next year. Legislation is reintroduced by electronically filing a reintroduction slip with the clerk of the council. Reintroduced legislation keeps the same number assigned to the legislation originally.
NEW SECTION. SECTION 10. There is hereby added to K.C.C. 1.24 a new section to read as follows:
Rule 25.1: Archival record for legislative files.
A. The archival record for all legislative files is the version saved to the county's records repository, Content Manager, or its successor.
B. The clerk of the council is the manager of the archival record for all legislative files.
C. When the King County Code requires a paper copy be transmitted to the council, the clerk is authorized to accept only an electronic copy.
SECTION 11. Ordinance 11683, Section 31, as amended, and K.C.C. 1.24.305 are hereby amended to read as follows:
Rule 31: Legal signature. An official document issued by order of the council must be signed by the chair or in the chair’s absence the vice-chair as provided in Rule 3, K.C.C. 1.24.025, and attested by the clerk of the council or acting clerk of the council, except as otherwise provided by the King County Charter. Electronic signatures may be used to satisfy this Rule 31, K.C.C. 1.24.305.
SECTION 12. The county council finds as a fact and declares that an emergency
exists and that this ordinance is necessary for the immediate preservation of public peace, health or safety or for the support of county government and its existing public institutions.