Clerk 08/27/2020
A MOTION declaring the council's intent to not reappoint the current director of the King County office of law enforcement oversight and to appoint a new OLEO director as successor on an interim basis.
WHEREAS, Section 265 of the King County Charter provides for the King County office of law enforcement oversight ("OLEO") and that the director of OLEO be appointment by the council and to serve for a four-year term and until a successor is appointed, and
WHEREAS, the employment and administration committee of the King County council commissioned an independent investigation into allegations that the OLEO director engaged in inappropriate conduct or created a hostile work environment in violation of the King County Council Legislative Branch Policies and Procedures Against Unlawful Harassment and Discrimination ("the policies"), and
WHEREAS, the investigation dated July 6, 2020 ("the investigation"), included findings that the OLEO director engaged in discriminatory and inappropriate conduct in violation of the policies, and
WHEREAS, the employment and administration committee accepted the findings of the investigation during its meeting of August 18, 2020, and
WHEREAS, the employment and administration also recommended to the council not to reappoint the current OLEO director to a new four-year term during its meeting of August 18, 2020, and
WHEREAS, the council intends to appoint a new OLEO director on an interim basis, as successor to the current OLEO director, effective September 15, 2020;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
The council declares its intent to not reappoint the current OLEO director and to
appoint a new OLEO director as successor on an interim basis effective September 15, 2020.