Clerk 03/02/2021
AN ORDINANCE creating the offense of obtaining information or disrupting video teleconferences of recovery, mental health, and behavioral health support groups without authorization; adding a new chapter to K.C.C. Title 12 and prescribing civil liability.
SECTION 1. Findings:
A. Videotelephony comprises the technologies for the reception and transmission of audio-video signals by users at different locations for communication in real time.
It includes computers, cellular telephones or any other devices with a video display, capable of simultaneous video and audio for communication between people in real time. Video teleconferencing is the use of the technology for two or more persons in a group or meeting with or without the use of video in addition to audio.
B. Video teleconferencing is a highly useful technology for a variety of purposes used by commercial, government and community groups to facilitate meetings and conferences. It is also a primary source of communication for those needing sign-language transmission for deaf and speech-impaired people and for those with mobility issues.
C. Video teleconferencing, via telemedicine and telenursing, allows patients to contact healthcare providers in emergency or routine situations for remote consulting and diagnosis. Behavioral health providers and organizations also use video teleconferencing for diagnosis, treatment and therapy for patients with mental health and substance use disorder diagnoses. In addition, individuals participating in recovery, mental health and behavioral health support groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous, have also used this video teleconferencing technology for meetings.
D. Federal and state law have established privacy requirements for both physical and behavioral health patients, including participants in certain types of behavioral health therapy sessions. In ad...
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