Clerk 06/12/2019
A MOTION relating to public transportation, approving the 2019 King County Metro Transit Title VI Program Report.
WHEREAS, Federal Transit Administration ("FTA") regulations in 49 C.F.R. Section 21.9(b), require all direct and primary recipients of FTA funds to submit a Title VI program report every three years to the FTA regional office, and
WHEREAS, updated regulations in Circular FTA C 4702.1B require that "the Title VI program be approved by a recipient's board of directors or appropriate governing entity or official or officials responsible for policy decisions prior to submission to the FTA," and
WHEREAS, the King County Metro transit department, as a transit provider and direct recipient of FTA funds, developed the 2019 Title VI Program Report in compliance with applicable federal regulations;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
The county hereby approves the 2019 King County Metro Transit Title VI Program Report, which is Attachment A to this motion. The council requests the executive to transmit a copy of Attachment A to this motion, with a copy of the final,
signed Signature Report of this motion attached as Appendix I, to the Federal Transit Administration.