Clerk 02/26/2019
A MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of members to the King County gender identity and sexual orientation inclusion task force.
WHEREAS, the King County council is currently going through a process to make the King County code gender neutral as a step towards gender equity; and
WHEREEAS, in January 2018 the Washington state Department of Health adopted a new rule change that established requirements for individuals to request a change to the sex designation on their birth certificates from male or female to a third option, and
WHEREAS, King County Ordinance 16948 established the principle of "fair and just″ to mean the county serves all residents by promoting fairness and opportunity and eliminating inequities through action to which equity and social justice foundational practices are applied, and
WHEREAS, King County services all people through its various departments. These departments and facilities have forms that reflect only "male″ and "female″ options for gender or sex designation which creates barriers for individuals not reflected in these options including in the access of consistent and accurate documentation of their gender, and
WHEREAS, King County Motion 15162 established the King County gender identity and sexual orientation inclusion task force, and
WHEREAS, the members of the King County gender identity and sexual orientation inclusion task force shall be appointed by the executive and confirmed by the council, and
WHEREAS, the executive′s appointees to the King County gender identity and sexual orientation inclusion task force are subject to confirmation by a majority of the council;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
The executive's appointment of the members of the King County gender identity
and sexual orientation inclusion task force identified in Attachment A to this motion are hereby confirmed.