Clerk 12/31/2018
A MOTION accepting a report certifying that at least three hundred seventeen homeless senior veterans have obtained housing pursuant to the methodology described in the Veterans, Seniors and Human Services Levy Transition Plan adopted in Ordinance 18638.
WHEREAS, on July 20, 2017, the metropolitan King County council adopted Ordinance 18555, placing a six-year veterans, seniors and human services levy on the general election ballot, and Ordinance 18555 was signed by the executive on July 21, 2017. King County voters approved the levy in November 2017 with more than sixty-eight percent of the vote, and
WHEREAS, Ordinance 18555 requires that one third of levy proceeds be used to plan, provide, administer and evaluate a wide range of regional health and human services and capital facilities for seniors and their caregivers and to promote healthy aging in King County, and
WHEREAS, Ordinance 18555 requires that until either (a) seventy-five percent of the number of those seniors, who were also veterans or military servicemembers in King County and who as of the enactment date of Ordinance 18555 were homeless, obtain housing or (b) a total of twenty-four million dollars from the levy proceeds, except those levy proceeds described in Ordinance 18555, Section 4.B.1., or from other funds administered by King County or both are spent to house seniors who are also veterans or military servicemembers in King County, whichever comes first, at least fifty percent of the levy proceeds dedicated for seniors shall be used to fund capital facilities and regional health and human services for seniors who are also veterans or military servicemembers and their respective caregivers and families, and
WHEREAS, Ordinance 18555, Section 7.A. and B., required the executive to develop and transmit for council review and adoption by ordinance a transition plan and an implementation plan for the veterans, seniors and human services levy, and
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