Clerk 05/22/2018
A MOTION accepting the second annual report on the best starts for kids initiative, in accordance with Attachment A to Ordinance 18373.
WHEREAS, Ordinance 18088, providing for the submission of the best starts for kids levy to the qualified electors of King County, was adopted by the metropolitan King County council on July 20, 2015, and signed by the executive on July 23, 2015, and
WHEREAS, King County voters approved King County Proposition No. 1 on November 3, 2015, authorizing a six-year property tax levy lid lift for the purpose of funding prevention and early intervention strategies to improve the health and well-being of children, youth and their communities, and
WHEREAS, on June 1, 20l6, in accordance with Ordinance 18088, the executive transmitted to the council for review and approval an implementation plan that identified the strategies to be funded and outcomes to be achieved with the use of levy proceeds described in Ordinance 18088, Section 5.C., and
WHEREAS, on September 19, 2016, the council adopted Ordinance 18373, which approved the Best Starts for Kids Implementation Plan, and Ordinance 18373 was signed by the executive on September 27, 2016, and
WHEREAS, the implementation plan requires an annual report describing the programs funded and outcomes for the children, youth, families and young adults served be transmitted to the council, with the first report due by one year after the effective date of Ordinance 18373, and additional yearly reports due no later than June 1of each year through 2021, and
WHEREAS, the second annual report, entitled Best Starts for Kids Annual Report: 2017 Report to Our Community, is submitted by the executive;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
The council accepts the second annual report on the best start for kids initiative,
entitled Best Starts for Kids Annual Report: 2017 Report to Our Community, Attachment A to this motion, in accordance with Attachment A to Ordinance 18373.