AN ORDINANCE renewing for six months an existing moratorium on the acceptance of applications for development of rural industrial uses in close proximity to the Cedar river; and declaring an emergency.
SECTION 1. Findings:
A. King County has authority, pursuant to constitutional police powers, home rule authority and the Washington state Growth Management Act, including chapter 36.70A RCW ("the GMA"), to establish and renew a moratorium to preclude the acceptance of certain new development applications while the county studies related land use issues.
B. In 1990, the Washington state Legislature adopted the GMA in order to, in part, facilitate the preservation of rural character.
C. The King County Comprehensive Plan ("KCCP"), as updated in December 2016 by Ordinance 18427, defines "rural growth" as "...growth that is scaled to be compatible with, and maintains the traditional character of the Rural Area."
D. The KCCP states that "new rural industrial development in the Rural Area needs to be of a scale and nature that is distinct from urban industrial development."
E. The KCCP has identified three existing industrial areas within the Rural Area geography: the southwest portion of the Rural Town of Vashon, a designated area adjacent to the Rural Neighborhood Commercial Center of Preston, and an area zoned Industrial located along SR-169 on lands that have been used for industrial purposes and had a designation as a King County Historic site.
F. The properties along SR-169 that are zoned Industrial are in close proximity, and in one case within the shoreline jurisdiction of, the Cedar river.
G. The Cedar river is located in Water Resource Inventory Area 8, the Cedar-Sammamish Watershed. The upper part of the Cedar river is the source for drinking water for the 1.4 million people in the greater Seattle area, and the Cedar river provides aquatic habitat for chinook salmon, coho salmon, socke...
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