Clerk 06/21/2018
AN ORDINANCE relating to the sale of biomethane and related environmental attributes held by the county; authorizing an amendment to an agreement approved under Ordinance 18363 and amended under Ordinance 18439, for the sale and purchase of biomethane and environmental attributes associated with purified biomethane produced at the South wastewater treatment plant to IGI Resources, Inc.
1. The wastewater treatment division of the department of natural resources and parks operates three regional wastewater treatment facilities, including the South wastewater treatment plant in Renton, Washington, which treats approximately thirty billion gallons of wastewater each year.
2. Anaerobic digesters at the treatment plant generate methane digester biogas as part of the water and associated solid material treatment and purification processes.
3. Since 1988, the wastewater treatment division has been scrubbing impurities from the digester biogas to create biomethane, using some of the resulting pipeline-quality gas for internal heating purposes, and injecting the surplus pipeline-quality gas into the regional natural gas pipeline.
4. Under K.C.C. 4.56.250, sales of rights, title or interests in emissions credits, offsets or allowances or renewable energy certificates, credits, benefits, environmental air quality credits and any similar rights, title or interests held by the county are exempt from the real and personal property requirements of K.C.C chapter 4.56 when unique circumstances are present. Such sales may be made in the best interests of the public to a person or entity through a direct agreement negotiated by the King County executive and approved by the King County council.
5. Ordinance 18363 authorized the King County executive to sell biomethane and its environmental attributes to IGI Resources, Inc., in accordance with K.C.C. 4.56.250. Environmental attributes are inextricably linked to the biom...
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