Clerk 03/21/2018
A MOTION requesting a plan to implement an infants at work pilot program for eligible King County employees and their infants.
WHEREAS, in 2015, the Washington state Department of Health implemented an "Infants at Work Policy" based on the long-term health value of breastfeeding newborns and bonding, and
WHEREAS, the state Department of Health program allows eligible parents or guardians to bring their infants age six weeks to six months to work, and
WHEREAS, the Parenting in the Workplace Institute reports that key benefits of "Infants at Work" programs are that new parents have the option to return to work earlier which decreases their childcare costs, contributing to increased financial stability for employees, and
WHEREAS, providing creative parental supports like "Infants at Work" programs can increase employee loyalty, thereby reducing employee turnover, which has been estimated to cost twenty-one percent of each employee's annual salary, and
WHEREAS, a program to allow babies in the workplace would create increased opportunity to breastfeed which has been proven by the World Health Organization to reduce infant mortality and accelerate recovery during illnesses that could put the employee out on sick leave to care for their infant, and
WHEREAS, according to the Parenting in the Workplace Institute, more than two thousand one hundred babies in more than two hundred organizations have been successfully brought to work in office-based, cubicle-based, open-plan environments, and
WHEREAS, in 2017, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners marked twenty years of its "Infants in the Workplace" program during which they have been recognized for excellence in work-life balance, and
WHEREAS, establishing an infants-at-work policy will further King County's commitment to being an employer of choice and assist in continuing to recruit and retain a diverse and excellent workforce to better serve the people of King County;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
A. The executive is requested to transmit a plan to implement a pilot program that provides eligible parents the opportunity to bring their infants to work for a limited period of time during their first year of life. The plan to implement the pilot program should include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. A description of program eligibility requirements;
2. A description of any workplace environment considerations, such as safety guidelines, facility requirements, and recommended operational practices to ensure the adequate care of the infant, adequate workplace hygiene and continued employee productivity;
3. Policies and procedures for events when an infant is disruptive to the work environment for a prolonged period of time;
4. An evaluation plan to assess the infants at work pilot program that includes quantitative and qualitative data demonstrating, but not limited to, the following: the number, gender and compensation rate of employees who have used the program; the employees’ distribution among the county’s departments and divisions; employee retention and satisfaction outcomes; any changes to productivity of participating work groups; and any cost or estimated cost savings associated with the program; and
5. A timeline for implementing the pilot program, including the duration and beginning and end dates, and the scope of employee groups to participate.
B. The executive is requested to review and consider resources published by the Parenting in the Workplace Institute and organizations, such as the Washington state Department of Health, the Nevada state Health Division and the National Association of Insurance Commissioners that have implemented infants-at-work programs. The executive should also develop the plan in consultation with the King County women's advisory board.
C. The executive is requested to transmit the plan described in this motion by August 15, 2018, along with any legislation necessary to implement the pilot program. The executive should file the plan with the clerk of the council in the form of a paper and
an electronic copy. The clerk shall retain the paper copy and forward the electronic copy to all councilmembers.