Clerk 03/07/2018
A MOTION approving a plan to restructure the Community Service Area subarea planning program in compliance with the 2017-2018 Biennial Budget Ordinance, Ordinance 18409, Sections 19 and 88, as amended by Ordinance 18602, Section 5, Proviso P2, and Ordinance 18602, Section 47, Proviso P3.
WHEREAS, a 2017-2018 supplemental budget ordinance, Ordinance 18602, Section 5, Proviso P2, which amended the 2017-2018 Biennial Budget Ordinance, Ordinance 18409, Section 19, requires the executive to transmit a plan to restructure the Community Service Area subarea planning program, and
WHEREAS, Ordinance 18602, Section 5, Proviso P2, provides that $200,000 from the office of performance, strategy and budget general fund shall not be expended or encumbered and that no funds shall be expended or encumbered on Community Service Area subarea planning except for responding to Proviso P2 until the plan required by the proviso is approved, and the motion accompanying the report is passed, and
WHEREAS, a 2017-2018 supplemental budget ordinance, Ordinance 18602, Section 47, Proviso P3, which amended the 2017-2018 Biennial Budget Ordinance, Ordinance 18409, Section 88, requires the executive to transmit a plan to restructure the Community Service Area subarea planning program, and
WHEREAS, Ordinance 18602, Section 47, Proviso P3, provides that $200,000 from the department of permitting and environmental review general public services sub-fund shall not be expended or encumbered and that no funds shall be expended or encumbered on Community Service Area subarea planning except for responding to Proviso P3 until the plan required by the proviso is approved, and the motion accompanying the report is passed, and
WHEREAS, the council has reviewed the plan submitted by the executive;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
The plan to restructure the Community Service Area subarea planning program, which is Attachment A to this ...
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