AN ORDINANCE related to the leasing and licensing of real property for the possession or use by the county; and amending Ordinance 17929, Section 20, as amended, and K.C.C. 4A.100.070.
SECTION 1. Ordinance 17929, Section 20, as amended, and K.C.C. 4A.100.070 are each hereby amended to read as follows:
A.1. Any departments or agencies, except the council, with unanticipated expenditures shall submit to the executive a statement of unanticipated expenditures. The statement shall specify any request for supplemental appropriation by program, project, object of expenditure or any combination thereof. The executive shall review the requests in accordance with the department's or agency's work plan and determine whether to submit a supplemental appropriation request.
2. If during the fiscal period the executive determines that revenues will be less than the expenditure amounts included in the appropriations ordinance, the executive shall revise the expenditures of departments or agencies funded from those revenue sources to prevent the making of expenditures in excess of revenues. If the executive determines that the fund has unrestricted reserves, the executive may use these reserves to avoid making expenditure reductions; however, the use of reserves may not reduce the fund balances below target reserve amounts. If the use of reserves exceeds five percent of the total appropriation, the council shall be notified in the quarterly management and budget report. An expenditure shall not be made from any portion of an appropriation that has been assigned to a reserve status except as provided in this section.
B. All unexpended appropriations in noncapital appropriation ordinances lapse at the end of the fiscal period.
C. The executive may transfer appropriation authority from an emergent need contingency project to support a cost increase for a capital project in the same fund in accordance with t...
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