AN ORDINANCE establishing five new capital funds for information technology projects for departments that do not have capital programs; and adding new sections to K.C.C. chapter 4A.200.
NEW SECTION. SECTION 1. There is hereby added to K.C.C. chapter 4A.200 a new section to read as follows:
A. There is hereby created the department of community and human services technology capital fund.
B. The fund shall be a second tier fund. It is a capital projects fund.
C. The director of the department of community and human services shall be the manager of the fund.
D. The fund shall account for the proceeds of receipts from transfers from operating funds, bond proceeds, grants, and other revenues identified in the budget process to support approved technology projects. Receipts will be transferred into the capital fund on a reimbursable or scheduled basis.
E. The fund shall be used to support technology capital projects which support the operations of the department of community and human services.
F. Any subfund of the fund created to hold and manage bond proceeds shall be treated as a first tier fund.
NEW SECTION. SECTION 2. There is hereby added to K.C.C. chapter 4A.200 a new section to read as follows:
A. There is hereby created the department of executive services technology capital fund.
B. The fund shall be a second tier fund. It is a capital projects fund.
C. The director of the department of executive services shall be the manager of the fund.
D. The fund shall account for the proceeds of receipts from transfers from operating funds, bond proceeds, grants, and other revenues identified in the budget process to support approved technology projects. Receipts will be transferred into the capital fund on a reimbursable or scheduled basis.
E. The fund shall be used to support technology capital projects which support the operations of the department of executive services.
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