Clerk 02/27/2018
AN ORDINANCE relating to the King County emergency management advisory committee; providing for modification of eligibility of elected positions; and amending Ordinance 13623, Section 1, as amended, and K.C.C. 2A.310.050.
The King County emergency management advisory committee was established by ordinance in 1999 to advise the county executive, council and office of emergency management on emergency management matters and to facilitate whole community coordination of regional emergency planning in King County.
SECTION 1. Ordinance13623, Section 1, as amended and K.C.C. 2A.310.050 are each hereby amended as follows:
A. The King County emergency management advisory committee is hereby established. The committee shall act in an advisory capacity to the county executive, council and office of emergency management on emergency management matters and facilitate the coordination of regional emergency planning in King County.
B. The committee shall be composed of members who represent the following emergency management interests, with each interest having one member except for the Suburban Cities Association, which may have three members, and cities with populations larger than one hundred thousand may have one member per city:
1. The Central Region Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Care Council;
2. Cities with populations larger than one hundred thousand;
3. Electric and gas utilities;
4. The financial community;
5. The King County Fire Chiefs Association;
6. The King County Fire Commissioners Association;
7. The King County Police Chiefs Association;
8. Local emergency planning committees;
9. The Port of Seattle;
10. Private business and industry;
11. The Puget Sound Educational Service District;
12. The King and Kitsap Counties Chapter of the American Red Cross;
13. Water and sewer districts;
14. The Sound C...
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