Clerk 04/12/2018
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the vacation of a portion of James H. Skirving Road No. 2 Revision, County Road no. 1518 right-of way, Auburn, file no. V-2688; Petitioner: Edward Biliske.
1. A petition was filed requesting vacation of a portion of James H. Skirving Road No. 2 Revision, County Road no. 1518 right-of way, Auburn, hereinafter described.
2. The department of transportation notified utility companies serving the area and King County departments of the proposed vacation and has been advised that Puget Sound Energy has obtained an easement for facilities within the vacation area. Said easement is recorded under King County Recording number 20160317000578. No other easements were required within the vacation area. The vacation shall not extinguish the rights of any utility company to any exiting easements for facilities or equipment within the vacation area.
3. The department of transportation records indicate that King County expended public funds for the acquisition of the subject portions of James H. Skirving Rd No. 2 Revision, County Road No. 1518 right-of-way. Public funds have not been expended for maintenance or improvement of the subject right-of-way.
4. The department of transportation considers the subject portion of right-of-way useless as part of the county road system and believes the public would benefit by the return of this unused area to the public tax rolls.
5. Pursuant to K.C.C. 14.40.020, King County may accept real property of equal or greater value in lieu of cash compensation. King County is in receipt of a statutory warranty deed from the petitioner conveying to King County, land consisting of:
That portion of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 12, Township 21 N., Range 5 E., W.M., lying Southerly of the centerline of Covington Creek, Northeasterly of State Highway No. 5-B (County Road No. 1518), Southeasterly of 168th Way SE, as it now exists and...
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