A MOTION requesting the executive to establish a two-year pilot project to distribute education materials to establish safe sleeping environments for infants to combat infant mortality due to unsafe sleep practices and sudden infant death syndrome.
WHEREAS, sudden unexpected infant deaths occur suddenly and unexpectedly in previously healthy infants, has no obvious cause of death before investigation and most occur while the infant is sleeping in an unsafe sleep environment, and
WHEREAS, sudden infant death syndrome ("SIDS"), which is a subgroup of sudden unexpected infant death, is defined as the death of an infant less than one year of age that cannot be explained after a thorough investigation is conducted, including a complete autopsy, examination of the death scene and a review of the clinical history, is a major cause of infant deaths in King County, and
WHEREAS, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends a safe sleep environment that can reduce sleep-related infant death risk, and
WHEREAS, the academy's updated 2016 recommendations for a safe sleep environment include supine positioning, the use of a firm sleep surface, the avoidance of soft bedding and overheating and the avoidance of bed-sharing, and
WHEREAS, the academy additionally recommends the avoidance of exposure to smoke, alcohol and illicit drugs, and
WHEREAS, the academy recommends breastfeeding and the use of a pacifier for SIDS reduction, and
WHEREAS, according to the 2012-2015 King County Child Death Review Report, July 2012 and December 2015, there were forty-two sleep-related infant deaths in King County, sudden unexpected infant death and SIDS, during the period covered by the report, which is thirty-four percent of all the cases of all deaths reviewed in all age groups, ages zero through seventeen, and
WHEREAS, SIDS is not predictable or preventable but child care providers and parents can help reduce the risk of SIDS by using best practices in an environment safe ...
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