Clerk 08/14/2017
A MOTION approving the Mental Illness and Drug Dependency 2 Evaluation Plan in compliance with K.C.C. 4A.500.309.
WHEREAS, in 2005, the state Legislature authorized counties to implement a one-tenth of one percent sales and use tax to support new or expanded chemical dependency or mental health treatment programs and services and for the operation of new or expanded therapeutic court programs and services, and
WHEREAS, in November 2007, Ordinance 15949 authorized the levy collection of and legislative policies for the expenditure of revenues from an additional sales and use tax of one-tenth of one percent for the delivery of mental health and chemical dependency services and therapeutic courts, and
WHEREAS, in November 2016, Ordinance 15949 was amended to revise the five policy goals for programs supported through sales tax funds to read:
1. Divert individuals with behavioral health needs from costly interventions like jail, emergency rooms and hospitals;
2. Reduce the number, length and frequency of behavioral health crisis events;
3. Increase culturally-appropriate trauma-informed behavioral health services;
4. Improve the health and wellness of individuals living with behavioral health conditions; and
5. Explicit linkage with, and furthering the work of, King County and community initiatives, and
WHEREAS, the Mental Illness and Drug Dependency Service Improvement Plan adopted by Ordinance 18406 established a comprehensive framework to ensure that the strategies and programs funded through the one-tenth of one percent sales tax are transparent, accountable, collaborative and effective, and
WHEREAS, Ordinance 15949, Section 3, as amended, which is codified as K.C.C. 4A.500.309, set forth the required elements of the evaluation plan transmitted to the council, and
WHEREAS, K.C.C. 4A.500.309 specifies that the executive in collaboration with the mental illness and drug dependency advisory committee a...
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