Clerk 03/31/2017
A MOTION relating to public transportation; approving a work plan for the establishment of the METRO CONNECTS development program as required by Ordinance 18449.
WHEREAS, in August 2013, via Ordinance 17641, the King County council adopted and the executive approved, the 2013 update to the Strategic Plan for Public Transportation, 2011-2021, which incorporated a new strategy 6.1.2 to the strategic plan requiring Metro to establish and maintain a long-range transit service and capital plan developed in collaboration with local comprehensive and regional long-range transportation planning, and
WHEREAS, in January 2017, via Ordinance 18449, the King County council adopted, and in February 2017 the executive approved, METRO CONNECTS, a long-range transit service and capital plan that was developed with input from transportation stakeholders, the King County council, the regional transit committee, the executive, other jurisdictions and riders, and
WHEREAS, METRO CONNECTS is meant to be a living document setting the vision for and guiding the implementation of Metro's long-range transit service and capital networks while responding to growth throughout the county, and
WHEREAS, the METRO CONNECTS development program will help build internal capacity to deliver METRO CONNECTS, facilitate discussion and collaboration with jurisdiction and agency staff on transit service needs and accompanying capital elements as well as opportunities to collaborate and achieve efficiencies in implementing projects and ensure that Metro has the necessary policy guidance to effectively implement the METRO CONNECTS vision, and
WHEREAS, Metro will collaborate with transportation stakeholders, the King County council, the regional transit committee, the executive, and other jurisdictions to build a regional project schedule to help realize the METRO CONNECTS vision, and
WHEREAS, Ordinance 18449 requires Metro to develop a work plan for the establis...
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