AN ORDINANCE relating to the management of the department of transportation; and amending Ordinance 11955, Section 12, as amended, and K.C.C. 2.16.100.
King County delivers on its metropolitan transportation function, as provided for in RCW 35.58.240, through the department of transportation, transit division. In accordance with Section 230.10.10 of the King County Charter, the transit division is operated as a distinct functional unit delivering the Metro transit system. The transit system delivers more than one hundred ten million rides per year and is funded through biennial appropriations in excess of $1.6 billion plus more than $100 million of annual capital expenditures. The system supports growth management, mobility, economic and environmental goals of the county, as well as the cities and people of King County.
This ordinance will enhance the accountability and performance of King County's metropolitan transportation function through the direct appointment of the director of the transit division, also referred to as the transit general manager, as a key subordinate unit.
The road services division is responsible for maintenance of one thousand five hundred miles of roads and one hundred eighty bridges in the unincorporated area, and faces an annual structural funding deficit estimated at $240 million, an amount necessary to significantly reduce the backlog of maintenance and preservation needs, improve the condition of the roadway system and most cost-effectively manage the system.
This ordinance will enhance the accountability and performance of King County's road services division through the direct appointment of the director of the road services division, as a key subordinate unit.
SECTION 1. Ordinance 11955, Section 12, as amended, and K.C.C. 2.16.100 are each hereby amended to read as follows:
A. Exemptions from the requirements of the career service personnel s...
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