AN ORDINANCE relating to comprehensive planning and permitting; revising the Introduction and Chapters 1 and 2 of the 2012 updates to the Comprehensive Plan; replacing Ordinance 17485, Attachment F, Technical Appendix D; and amending Ordinance 17485, Section 2.
1. King County adopted the 2012 updates to the King County Comprehensive Plan on December 3, 2012.
2. The city of Snoqualmie timely filed an appeal to the growth management hearings board ("board") and among the many issues it raised in its appeal, the city claimed that the updates to the Comprehensive Plan did not comply with SHB 1825, the 2009 amendments to the Washington State Growth Management Act.
3. On August 12, 2013, the board issued its Final Decision and Order on the city's appeal.
4. While the board found for the county on every substantive issue raised by the city in its appeal, it also determined that the Comprehensive Plan did not adequately demonstrate that the updates were reviewed and potentially revised to comply with the requirements of the 2009 amendments to the Growth Management Act.
5. As required by the 2009 amendment to RCW 36.70A.115, cities and counties that plan under the Growth Management Act, must "ensure that, taken collectively, adoption of and amendments to their comprehensive plans and/or development regulations provide sufficient capacity of land suitable for development within their jurisdictions to accommodate their allocated housing and employment growth, including the accommodation of, as appropriate, the medical, governmental, educational, institutional, commercial, and industrial facilities related to such growth, as adopted in the applicable countywide planning policies and consistent with the twenty-year population forecast from the office of financial management."
6. The board remanded back to the county the Comprehensive Plan's Introduction, Chapters 1 and 2, and Technical Appendix D to take appropriate action to sho...
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