Clerk 09/19/2013
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the execution of an interlocal agreement between King County and the Port of Seattle for jail services.
1. In 2002, King County entered into an interlocal agreement for jail services with the Port of Seattle. That agreement expired December 31, 2012.
2. King County and the Port of Seattle negotiated a new interlocal agreement for jail services for 2013 through 2020, which is Attachment A to this ordinance.
3. This agreement is based on the 2020 jail services agreement template already approved by the King County council.
4. The agreement has been executed by the appropriate authority at the Port of Seattle. Over the course of 2013, King County and the Port of Seattle have been operating under the terms of that agreement, which states that it is effective January 1, 2013.
5. The intent of the parties is to provide for jail services and payment commencing January 1 2013, under the terms of this new agreement.
SECTION 1. Findings: The King County council, having determined that the 2013-2020 agreement already executed by the Port of Seattle is in the best interest of the public, hereby approves that agreement provided as Attachment A to this ordinance. All actions up to now taken by county officials, agents and employees consistent with the terms of this agreement are hereby ratified, confirmed and approved.
SECTION 2. The King County executive is hereby authorized to enter into an
interlocal agreement, in substantially the same form as Attachment A to this ordinance, with the Port of Seattle.