Clerk 10/09/2002
A MOTION authorizing an interlocal agreement between King County, the city of Burien, the city of SeaTac, the Port of Seattle and the state of Washington Department of Transportation for the purpose of preparing a basin plan for the Miller and Salmon creek basins.
WHEREAS, King County, the city of Burien, the city of SeaTac, the Port of Seattle and the state of Washington Department of Transportation ("the parties") share jurisdiction in or have other interests in the Miller and Salmon creek basins ("basin") and recognize that it contains important natural resources, including streams, lakes and wetlands that are vital to promote water quality, fish habitat, recreation and flood storage, and
WHEREAS, the stability and function of the basin's natural resources are threatened by existing and proposed development within the basin, and
WHEREAS, the parties manage stormwater within the basin and desire to cooperate to develop cost-effective solutions for stormwater management, and
WHEREAS, the parties agree on the importance of resolving existing drainage, flooding, erosion and sedimentation, and water quality problems in the basin that cross jurisdictional boundaries, and
WHEREAS, the parties recognize that a cooperative effort to identify and address problems in the basin will promote cost savings to the public and the most effective protection of the natural resource system, and wish to jointly develop a cooperative interjurisdictional basin plan, and
WHEREAS, the parties have each previously conducted stream gauging, resource inventory, engineering, hydrologic modeling and water sampling activities in the basin, all of which they wish to contribute to a basin planning effort, and
WHEREAS, area citizens have raised questions concerning whether the interlocal agreement will facilitate the Port of Seattle's Third Runway Project and, in particular, whether aspects of plans or facilities contemplated under the in...
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