Clerk 11/04/2010
A MOTION approving written identity theft prevention programs for the department of natural resources and parks and the Seattle-King County department of public health in compliance with sections 114 and 315 of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003, an amendment to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, and the Red Flags Rule adopted by the Federal Trade Commission; and the enterprise, employee and third party information security, and information privacy policies promulgated by the office of information resource management.
WHEREAS, Sections 114 and 315 of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003, an amendment to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, required the Federal Trade Commission ("FTC") to adopt rules to prevent identity theft from information gathered and maintained by financial institutions, utilities and other creditors, and
WHEREAS, the FTC adopted a new rule on identity theft, known as the "Red Flags Rule," that require financial institutions, utilities and other creditors to set up a program aimed at preventing identity theft, and
WHEREAS, the King County wastewater treatment division ("WTD") provides regional sewer services to thirty-four local sewer utilities and those local sewer utilities bill customers directly for local sewer charges and the King County wholesale sewer rate, and
WHEREAS, WTD is authorized under RCW 35.58.570 and 36.94.140 to impose a capacity charge for new connections to its system, and
WHEREAS, pursuant to K.C.C. 28.84.050, WTD's capacity charge is billed for a fifteen-year period with the customer receiving a discount for paying the full amount earlier, and
WHEREAS, the Red Flags Rule defines a "covered account" as either:
1. A consumer account that allows multiple payments or transactions; or
2. Any other account that presents a reasonably foreseeable risk from identity theft, and
WHEREAS, WTD currently maintains over eighty thousand continuing accounts ...
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