AN ORDINANCE establishing the King County veterans advisory board; and adding a new section to K.C.C. chapter 2A.300.
1. King County maintains the King County veterans advisory board, created in its current form in 1991 by CPM 11-1 (PR), a public rule acting upon the chapter 73.08 RCW requirement that each county maintain a veterans advisory board.
2. After the 1991 creation of the veterans advisory board, the state legislature enacted RCW 73.08.035, which requires the legislative authority of each county to establish a veterans advisory board.
3. In addition to the veterans advisory board, King County has since the 2005 passage of the first veterans and human services levy maintained a veterans citizen oversight board to oversee the expenditure of levy proceeds to benefit veterans.
4. In 2013, the county executive convened a regional veterans initiative, whose final report and recommendations included that King County's system of veterans programs and services should develop a coordinated service system that provides seamless access for veterans and their families while maximizing the use of regional resources and that veterans have a voice in making improvements to the services system.
5. In September 2016, the King County council passed Motion 14743, requesting the executive's response to inform council deliberations regarding the possible renewal of the veterans and human services levy. Included in that motion was a request for the executive's analysis on whether to retain or revise the veterans and human services levy's citizen oversight board structure.
6. In March 2017, the King County council passed Motion 14822, approving the executive's report responding to Motion 14743. Among the recommendations within the report approved by Motion 14822 was a recommendation to consider aligning the county's veterans advisory board and veterans citizen oversight board to promote alignment of the county's investments in programs th...
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