Clerk 08/23/2012
AN ORDINANCE relating to the King County Consortium Consolidated Housing and Community Development Plan 2010-2012; extending the plan for two years, through December 31, 2014.
1. King County is the official applicant and grantee to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") for Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnerships and other federal homeless, housing and community development funds, on behalf of King County and a consortium of cities and towns in the county, except for the city of Seattle, which receives its own HUD funds. The county is responsible to the Federal Government for activities undertaken with such funds by the King County consortium.
2. Federal regulations, 24 CFR Part 91, require King County to adopt a three to five year consolidated housing and community development plan that: identifies housing and community development needs; identifies resources and key partnerships; and establishes objectives and strategies to provide decent affordable housing and a suitable living environment for very low to moderate-income residents within the consortium territory of the county.
3. The current consolidated housing and community development plan was adopted by the King County council in Ordinance 16741 on December 14, 2009, as a three-year plan for 2010 through 2012.
4. The HUD is in the process of issuing new rules and requirements for consolidated housing and community development plan submissions, including rules for analyzing fair housing impediments and fair housing plans in the consolidated housing and community development plan.
5. King County's extension of the current consolidated housing and community development plan for an additional two years, through December 31, 2014, makes the current plan a five-year plan, and is appropriate in order to allow sufficient time to include HUD's new rules and requirements into the development of a ...
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