Clerk 01/25/2010
AN ORDINANCE amending the 2010 Budget Ordinance relating to the department of transportation; and amending the 2010 Budget Ordinance, Ordinance 16717, Section 131, as amended; and declaring an emergency.
SECTION 1. Findings:
A. Ordinance 16717, Section 131, Expenditure Restriction ER3 provides that unless, by January 31, 2010, the executive has submitted a motion establishing a detailed work plan for a regional stakeholder task force to consider a policy framework to guide the growth and, if necessary, contraction of King County Metro Transit's system, appropriation authority for $1,800,000 shall lapse.
B. The Council has pending Proposed Motion 2009-0649, a motion to provide guidance to the executive regarding the structure and charge of the regional stakeholder task force.
C. The executive is working collaboratively with the council to develop a motion and proposed work plan and task force membership, but members of the public have requested additional time for review of these proposals so that executive transmittal of the motion and work plan could not take account of this public comment and still meet the January 31, 2010 deadline contained in the above referenced budget proviso.
D. In order to ensure that the task force is able to address policy concerns of the citizens of King County in a thorough and comprehensive way, the council has determined that extending the date for the proviso response is necessary to preserve the public peace, health or safety or for the support of county government and its existing public institutions.
E. In order for this ordinance to be effective prior to January 31, 2010, when the expenditure authority for $1,800,000 will lapse, it is necessary to enact this ordinance as an emergency.
SECTION 2. Ordinance 16717, Section 131, as amended, is hereby amended by adding thereto and inserting therein the following:
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