Clerk 07/02/2002
A MOTION endorsing the Strategic Technology Plan's guiding principles.
WHEREAS, the office of information resource management has the duty under K.C.C. 2.16.035I to identify and establish short-range, mid-range and long-range objectives for information technology investments in the county and to prepare and recommend for council approval a county information technology strategic plan, and
WHEREAS, the strategic advisory council has the duty under K.C.C. 2.16.07582 to develop and recommend strategic objectives for information technology deployment countywide, and
WHEREAS, the executive has determined that the Strategic Technology Plan and the Guiding Principles presented in the plan, which are endorsed by the strategic advisory council, meet the intent of the county council in adopting the county code sections cited above, and
WHEREAS, the council understands that the executive has directed the chief information officer to prepare materials to support a discussion leading to an endorsement of the Strategic Technology Plan at the August 2002 meeting of the strategic advisory council, and
WHEREAS, the council has reviewed the report, Strategic Technology Plan, including the guiding principles in the plan;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
The Strategic Technology Plan's guiding principles are hereby endorsed.