Clerk 12/30/21
A MOTION requesting the executive to establish a plan to hold in detention all adult arrestees until the arrestee receives a court hearing if the arrestee has been arrested three times within a rolling four-week period or if the arrestee is arrested as a part of an investigation resulting in multiple arrestees.
WHEREAS, due to the COVID-19 pandemic response, the executive sought to reduce the in-custody daily population at King County's two correctional facilities to reduce the spread of COVID-19 within the facilities, and
WHEREAS, since March 2020, King County correctional facilities no longer book individuals arrested for certain low-level offenses, and
WHEREAS, law enforcement agencies within King County are arresting and releasing individuals suspected of committing certain misdemeanors such as theft in the third degree;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
A. The council requests that the executive develop a plan to hold in custody all adult arrestees booked into a King County correctional facility until the arrestee has received a bond hearing or has been arraigned, if the arrestee has been arrested three times within a rolling four-week period or if the arrestee is arrested as a part of an investigation resulting in multiple arrestees.
B. The executive should electronically file the plan, no later than April 1, 2022, with the clerk of the council, who shall retain an electronic copy and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff and the lead staff for the law, justice, health and human services committee, or its successor.