Clerk 07/18/2002
A MOTION approving funding of $11,000 for two projects from the cultural facilities emergency and unforeseen opportunity program in accordance with Motion 10189.
WHEREAS, the King County arts commission is authorized by Motion 10189 to administer cultural facilities, and
WHEREAS, the King County arts commission received two applications requesting $33,800 from the cultural facilities emergency and unforeseen opportunity program, and
WHEREAS, the King County arts commission hotel/motel funding committee, including community representatives and commission representatives, reviewed the applications and made recommendations to the King County arts commission, as listed in Attachment A to this motion, and
WHEREAS, the King County arts commission approved the review panels' recommendations, and
WHEREAS, the recommendations for arts cultural facilities emergency and unforeseen opportunity program funding adhere to the guidelines and financial plan policies approved by the King County Council in Motion 8789, and
WHEREAS, the financial plan included as Attachment B to this motion has been revised to indicate actual hotel/motel tax revenue for 2001, and
WHEREAS, the financial plan supports cultural facilities funding:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
The executive is hereby authorized to allocate a total of $11,000 to fund two arts projects as listed and described in Attachment A to this motion.