Clerk 03/29/2005
A MOTION identifying essential election reform measures for King County support in the Washington state legislature.
WHEREAS, the closest gubernatorial election in state history revealed the need for structural, procedural and financial changes to Washington state election process, and
WHEREAS, Washington state has the latest primary election in the nation, placing it very close to the general election, and
WHEREAS, the close timing of the primary and general elections do not provide adequate time for elections officials and staff throughout the state to certify the primary election and prepare for the general election, particularly in close election contests, and
WHEREAS, state law also does not provide adequate time for elections officials and staff throughout the state to certify general elections, and
WHEREAS, allowing more time for certification of elections would reduce the opportunities for errors, particularly in close election contests, and
WHEREAS, the state of Washington does not reimburse counties for its proportionate share of even-year election costs, and
WHEREAS, the elections in Washington state would benefit from standardized processes for canvassing boards;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
King County shall support the following changes in Washington state law:
A. The state's primary election should be moved to an earlier date;
B. The time for certifying primary and special elections should be extended from ten to fifteen days;
C. The time for certifying general elections should be extended from fifteen days to twenty days;
D. The state should reimburse counties for the state's share of even-year election
costs; and
E. The state should allow counties to decide to conduct all mail elections.