Clerk 02/26/2009
AN ORDINANCE related to fertilizers containing phosphorus; and adding a new chapter to K.C.C. Title 9.
SECTION 1. Findings:
A. Research on lake water quality cites the contribution of excessive phosphorus loading to the degradation of lake waters through the stimulation of algae and weed growth, leading to oxygen depletion resulting from the decomposition of plant bodies; and that such processes can play a role in potential eutrophication of water bodies.
B. Lawn fertilizers can contribute to phosphorus loading. Limits on turf fertilizer containing phosphorus have been shown to reduce the discharge of phosphorus into the state's ground and surface waters.
C. Turf fertilizers containing no or very low amounts of phosphorus are available.
D. There is a body of experience in other jurisdictions regarding restrictions on the use of lawn fertilizers containing phosphorus, which demonstrates that use limitations can be successfully managed without substantially impacting user needs.
E. While there has been significant progress in addressing contributions of phosphorus from laundry detergent and dishwashing detergent, further progress in reducing phosphorus can be achieved by limiting contributions from turf fertilizer.
SECTION 2. It is the intent of the council that this ordinance significantly limit the use of fertilizers on lawns containing the plant nutrient phosphorus.
SECTION 3. Sections 4 through 7 of this ordinance should constitute a new chapter in K.C.C. Title 9.
NEW SECTION. SECTION 4. The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
A. "Department" means the county department of natural resources and parks.
B. "Fertilizer" means any substance containing one or more recognized plant nutrients, and that is either used for its plant nutrient content or is designated for use or cl...
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