File #: 2001-0329    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 6/18/2001 In control: Growth Management and Unincorporated Areas Committee
On agenda: 7/23/2001 Final action: 7/23/2001
Enactment date: 7/31/2001 Enactment #: 14177
Title: AN ORDINANCE adopting the new transportation concurrency map and the new monitored zones table; and repealing Ordinance 14050, Attachments A and C.
Sponsors: Les Thomas, Maggi Fimia, Cynthia Sullivan
Indexes: Transportation
Attachments: 1. Ordinance 14177.pdf, 2. 2001-0238 transmittal letter received 6-18-01.doc, 3. 2001-0329 Fiscal Note received 6-18-01.doc, 4. 2001-0329 Hearing Notice.doc, 5. A. Transportation Concurrency Level of Service Standards Status Map, dated June 13, 2001, 6. B. Estimated Vehicles Trips for Monitored Zones, dated June 14, 2001, 7. STAFF REPORT


AN ORDINANCE adopting the new transportation concurrency map and the new monitored zones table; and repealing Ordinance 14050, Attachments A and C.



1.  On February 12, 2001, the King County council amended the transportation concurrency program to improve its effectiveness and to streamline its operation by adopting a concurrency map as the test for residential development.

2.  K.C.C. 14.70.270 requires the department of transportation to update the traffic model for concurrency twice per year and to submit to the King County council for its review and approval, a new concurrency map and table of estimated vehicle trips for monitored zones based on the updated model.

3.  The department of transportation completed the update of the traffic model for concurrency on June 11, 2001.


                     SECTION 1.  Attachment A to Ordinance 14050, Transportation Concurrency Level of Service Standards Status Map, dated February 5, 2001, and Attachment C to Ordinance 14050, Estimated Vehicle Trips for Monitored Zones, 2001 Transportation Concurrency Model are each hereby repealed.

                     SECTION 2.  Attachment A to this ordinance, Transportation Concurrency Level of Service Standards Status Map, dated June 13, 2001, is hereby adopted.


                     SECTION 3.  Attachment B to this ordinance, Estimated Vehicle Trips for Monitored Zones, dated June 14, 2001, is hereby adopted.

ad requirements

30 day notice, official paper, post outside chambers

Publish: 6/20/01, Seattle Times

Hearing: 7/23/01