A MOTION thanking the Washington state congressional delegation for their efforts to pass House Resolution 4520 to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and restore the deduction of state sales taxes in lieu of state and local income taxes; providing a fair federal income tax structure for the people of Washington, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas and Wyoming; and petitioning the President of the United States to sign the legislation into law.
WHEREAS, The federal tax reform act of 1986 unfairly penalized the taxpayers of King County and the state of Washington by eliminating the state retail sales tax deduction in the calculation of federal income taxes owed, and
WHEREAS, since 1986 federal law has allowed taxpayers in over forty states to deduct their state income tax from their federal tax return, but does not allow the deduction of state sales taxes for those residents of states without an income tax, including Washington, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas and Wyoming, and
WHEREAS, two families with the same salary and identical financial profiles are taxed differently under the federal tax code simply because they live in states with different local tax structures, and
WHEREAS, nearly one million working men and women living in King County pay disproportionately higher federal income taxes than similar families across America, because King County residents are not able to deduct Washington State sales taxes from their federal income tax returns, and
WHEREAS, with the restoration of the retail sales tax deduction, taxpayers of King County would realize substantial savings, estimated at between five hundred nineteen dollars per year to five hundred seventy five dollars per year per itemized return in their federal income taxes, with a total savings to Washington State taxpayers estimated at five hundred forty one million dollars annually, and
WHEREAS, Congress is in the process of considering tax reducti...
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