Clerk 02/04/2010
A MOTION confirming the reappointment of AJ Culver as a representative of a nonpartisan organization active in King County that evaluates candidates and ballot measures to the King County citizens' elections oversight committee.
WHEREAS, in Ordinances 14711 and 15157, the metropolitan King County council established citizens' election oversight committees to review the conduct of elections in King County, to identify problems and to make recommendations, and
WHEREAS, those committees have consistently provided invaluable service to county voters and county government, and
WHEREAS, in Ordinance 15453, the King County council established a new citizens' elections oversight committee and adopted criteria for membership on the committee;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
The reappointment of AJ Culver to the King County citizens' elections oversight committee, as a representative of a nonpartisan organization active in King County that
evaluates candidates and ballot measures for a term to expire on September 18, 2011, is hereby confirmed.