A MOTION authorizing the council chair to sign an amendment to a contract with Staubach Northwest, LLC, dba The Staubach Company to amend the scope of services and contract amount.
WHEREAS, the council has executed a technical services contract with Staubach Northwest, LLC, dba The Staubach Company in the amount of $24,500 to conduct analyses of the executive's space plan, new county office building, work release and elections facility proposals pending before the budget and fiscal management committee, and
WHEREAS, Staubach Northwest, LLC, dba The Staubach Company was awarded this contract after the council conducted the competitive procurement process outlined in K.C.C. 4.16.030 for contracts under $25,000, and
WHEREAS, at the time this procurement process was conducted, it was believed that the amount of $24,500 would be sufficient to cover the desired scope of services, and
WHEREAS, the budget and fiscal management committee has subsequently determined that work above and beyond the original scope of services needs to be performed, and
WHEREAS, the additional work consists of developing conceptual programming alternatives for the county's short-term and long-term facility space plans and this work is estimated to cost $24,500, and
WHEREAS, the requirements of K.C.C. 4.16.030 would require the council to conduct another procurement process for a separate contract for the additional scope of services, and
WHEREAS, it would be inefficient and costly to hire a different consultant to perform the work, and
WHEREAS, time is of the essence to make decisions related to the executive's space plan proposals so that the costs of these proposals do not increase, and
WHEREAS, an efficient and timely alternative to conducting another procurement process would be to amend the contract with Staubach Northwest LLC, dba The Staubach Company to change the scope of services and increase the contract amount by $24,500, and
WHEREAS, this alternati...
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