File #: 2023-0308    Version: 1
Type: Motion Status: Passed
File created: 9/5/2023 In control: Budget and Fiscal Management Committee
On agenda: Final action: 10/24/2023
Enactment date: Enactment #: 16449
Title: A MOTION requesting the wastewater treatment division develop and maintain a long-term financial and sewer rate forecast.
Sponsors: Claudia Balducci
Indexes: Sewer, Wastewater
Attachments: 1. Motion 16449, 2. 2023-0308_SR_ LTSewerRatesMotion
Related files: 2025-B0041
Staff: Giambattista, Jenny
A MOTION requesting the wastewater treatment division develop and maintain a long-term financial and sewer rate forecast.
WHEREAS, the wastewater treatment division protects public health and the environment by collecting and treating wastewater, and
WHEREAS, King County charges a sewer rate to the contract agencies that deliver, treat and discharge wastewater, and
WHEREAS, sewer rate revenue is the wastewater treatment division's primary funding source, and
WHEREAS, the monthly sewer rate revenue collected by the county goes to support all wastewater treatment division expenses, including operating costs, debt service, and capital expenses, and
WHEREAS, as part of the rate setting process each year, the wastewater treatment division includes a ten-year rate forecast, and
WHEREAS, Section 270 of the King County Charter establishes three regional committees to develop, propose, review and recommend action on regional policies and plans for consideration by the metropolitan county council, and
WHEREAS, the regional water quality committee's 2023 work program includes addressing long-term sewer rate projections, and
WHEREAS, developing a long-term forecast of rates and revenue requirements would inform decision makers about the primary rate drivers and the effect of policy choices on long-term rates, and
WHEREAS, the Regional Wastewater Services Plan was adopted in 1999 to provide policy guidance for the wastewater system through 2030, and
WHEREAS, the process to update the Regional Wastewater Services Plan is scheduled to restart in 2023 and will include long-term planning for the regional wastewater system beyond a twenty-year period and up to fifty years or more, and
WHEREAS, decision makers desire information from the wastewater treatment division that will facilitate informed discussions on the policy decisions related to the update to the Regional Wastewater Services Plan, and
WHEREAS, developing a forecast of the long-term sewer rates ...

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