Clerk 09/07/16
A MOTION approving the comprehensive, historical review and assessment report of the mental illness and drug dependency funded strategies, services, and programs, in compliance with Ordinance 17998.
WHEREAS, in 2005, the state Legislature authorized counties to implement a one-tenth of one percent sales and use tax to support new or expanded chemical dependency or mental health treatment programs and services and for the operation of new or expanded therapeutic court programs and services, and
WHEREAS, in November 2007, Ordinance 15949 authorized the levy collection of and legislative policies for the expenditure of revenues from an additional sales and use tax of one-tenth of one percent for the delivery of mental health and chemical dependency services and therapeutic courts, and
WHEREAS, Ordinance 15949 defined the following five policy goals for programs supported through sales tax funds:
1. A reduction of the number of mentally ill and chemically dependent using costly interventions like jail, emergency rooms and hospitals;
2. A reduction of the number of people who recycle through the jail, returning repeatedly as a result of their mental illness or chemical dependency;
3. A reduction of the incidence and severity of chemical dependency and mental and emotional disorders in youth and adults;
4. Diversion of mentally ill and chemically dependent youth and adults from initial or further justice system involvement; and
5. Explicit linkage with, and furthering the work of, other council directed efforts including the adult and juvenile justice operational master plans, the Plan to End Homelessness, the Veterans and Human Services Levy Services Improvement Plan and the county Recovery Plan, and
WHEREAS, Ordinance 15949 established a sunset date for the ordinance authorizing the mental illness and drug dependency ("MlDD") one-tenth of one percent sales and use tax of January 1, 2017, while acknowledging that the ...
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