Clerk 09/11/2014
AN ORDINANCE relating to the King County emergency management advisory committee; providing for modification of representation to the committee; amending Ordinance 13623, Section 1, as amended, and K.C.C. 2.36.055, adding a new chapter to K.C.C. Title 2A, adding a new K.C.C. Title 2A and recodifying K.C.C. 2.36.055.
The King County emergency management advisory committee was established by ordinance in 1999 to advise the county executive, council and office of emergency management on emergency management matters and to facilitate community coordination of regional emergency planning in King County.
This ordinance will be codified in Title 2 of the King County Code. The council determines that a new title on administration, K.C.C. Title 2A, should be created, and material related to administration be codified in that title, and all other material in K.C.C. Title 2 that is not appropriate to be codified K.C.C. Title 2A should be codified in the appropriate titles.
SECTION 1. Findings:
A. The King County Healthcare Coalition has merged into the Northwest Healthcare Response Network, a new independent nonprofit organization. The Northwest Healthcare Response Network will replace The King County Healthcare Colaition on the emergency management advisory committee.
B. The Suburban Cities Association, which appoints representatives to the emergency management advisory committee, changed its name to Sound Cities Association in November 2012.
C. Faith-based organizations provide significant disaster relief services to the community at large, and inclusion of a representative from a faith-based organization on the King County emergency advisory committee will strengthen's the committee's ability to engage the whole commuity in emergency preparedness, response and recovery.
SECTION 2. Ordinance 13623, Section 1, as amended and K.C.C. 2.36.055 are each hereb...
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