File #: 2025-0073    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: In Committee
File created: 2/18/2025 In control: Committee of the Whole
On agenda: Final action:
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: AN ORDINANCE amending the King County Doors Open Program implementation plan, required by Ordinance 19710, Section 9; amending Ordinance 19868, Section 1, as amended, and repealing Ordinance 19868, Attachment B.
Sponsors: Claudia Balducci
Indexes: Doors Open
Attachments: 1. C. Doors Open Implementation Plan, February 12, 2025
Related files: 2024-0236, 2023-0343
Staff: Paul, Gene


Clerk 02/14/2025


AN ORDINANCE amending the King County Doors Open Program implementation plan, required by Ordinance 19710, Section 9; amending Ordinance 19868, Section 1, as amended, and repealing Ordinance 19868, Attachment B.



                     SECTION 1.  Findings:

                     A.  Cultural organizations continue to experience financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Expedited financial support through the one-time operating support program funded by 2024 Doors Open proceeds is essential, both to their survival as well as growth, and to prevent further losses in the cultural sector.

                     B.  In Ordinance 19867, the council expressed its interest to distribute not less than 95 percent of the Doors Open proceeds collected in 2024 to cultural organizations in the form of one-time capital and operating support grants.

                     C.  It is the intent of the council that the cultural organizations, selected in accordance with Ordinance 19710, Section 4.A.2. to receive the 2024 one-time operating support grants, receive these grant moneys in a one-time payment as expeditiously as possible and no later than by the end of the second quarter of 2025.

                     D.  In order to effectuate the council’s intent, amendments to the Doors Open implementation plan are necessary.

                     SECTION 2.  Ordinance 19868, Section 1, as amended, is amended to read as follows:

                     The Doors Open Program Implementation Plan for 2024-2031, ((dated November 20, 2024)) February 12, 2025, Attachment ((B)) C to ((Ordinance 19868)) this ordinance (Proposed Ordinance 2025-0073) is hereby approved to govern the expenditure of the

cultural access sales and use tax proceeds as authorized under Ordinance 19710.

                     SECTION 3.  Attachment B to Ordinance 19868 is repealed.