Clerk 09/14/2016
AN ORDINANCE relating to responsibility determination in the award of county contracts and leases; and amending Ordinance 12138, Section 11, as amended, and K.C.C. 2.93.120, Ordinance 12045, Section 15, as amended, and K.C.C. 4.56.160 and Ordinance 2622, Section 20, as amended, and K.C.C. 4.56.190.
SECTION 1. Findings:
A. Responsible business owners understand and accept that they have an obligation to engage in business practices that support the health and welfare of the local community and environment. They recognize that living-wage jobs and a safe workplace are key to the success of any company and the sustained growth of local economies.
B. The King County Strategic Plan seeks to safeguard and enhance the county's natural resources and environment through the use of regulations that promote desirable environmental practices by individuals and businesses. The plan also seeks to create a strong, diverse and sustainable economy through partnerships with regional organizations, other jurisdictions, and the private sector.
C. The King County council is committed to worker's rights, having enacted laws that create a paid family leave program for county employees and that require the county and certain of its contractors and subcontractors to pay their employees a living wage.
D. The King County Comprehensive Plan defines a successful economy as one in which the public sector, nonprofit and private businesses can thrive and create jobs compatible with the environment and community and land use expectations.
E. It is in the interest of the county to protect the health, safety and welfare of its residents by ensuring that prospective bidders or proposers on county contracts and leases of county real property are evaluated for responsibility factors that include responsible employment, worker safety and environmental practices.
SECTION 2. Ordinance 12138, Section 11,...
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