Clerk 06/30/2008
AN ORDINANCE relating to agriculture, adding a definition for "farm pad," amending the definition of compensatory storage, allowing greater range of flexibility in providing compensatory storage, allowing farm pads and nonresidential agricultural accessory buildings in the Federal Emergency Management Agency floodway, providing the option for wet flood-proofing of some agricultural buildings, providing limited agricultural exceptions to the depth and velocity standards, establishing a compensatory storage bank; amending Ordinance 10870, Section 85, and K.C.C. 21A.06.225, Ordinance 10870, Section 454, as amended, and K.C.C. 21A.24.070, Ordinance 10870, Section 471, as amended, and K.C.C. 21A.24.240, Ordinance 10870, Section 473, as amended, and K.C.C. 21A.24.260, Ordinance 3688, Section 404 and K.C.C. 25.16.040 and Ordinance 3688, Section 414, as amended and K.C.C. 25.16.190 and adding a new section to K.C.C. chapter 21A.06.
1. Motion 12559, passed on July 30, 2007, directed the King County executive to convene a task force to undertake the review of measures intended to encourage viability of agriculture within the Snoqualmie valley agricultural production district. The focus of the task force was to identify programmatic or regulatory changes to floodplain regulations that will benefit agriculture while simultaneously maintaining strong floodplain management standards to assure no adverse impact to upstream and downstream property owners from flooding or impact salmon habitat.
2. The task force included representatives from the agricultural community, including the Hmong farmers, the King Conservation District, the King County agricultural commission and staff from the King County departments of development and environmental services and natural resources and parks.
3. The task force met for approximately three months and made sixteen recommendations, including changes to county code that wil...
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