Clerk 12/10/2012
AN ORDINANCE approving a new sewer franchise for the town of Skykomish.
SECTION 1. Findings:
A. The town of Skykomish ("Skykomish") filed an application for a new sewer franchise to operate and maintain an exclusive, tightline sewer pipeline traversing unincorporated King County from the Skykomish boundary to the locally owned Skykomish Community Wastewater Treatment facility.
B. Skykomish's General Sewer and Facilities Plan was approved by the King County council pursuant to recommendation of the King County utilities technical review committee.
C. The utilities technical review committee has approved Skykomish's franchise application as meeting the requirements of K.C.C. 6.27.060.
D. The council has scheduled, noticed and conducted a public hearing regarding Skykomish's application for a right-of-way franchise on the 10th day of December, 2012, as required by RCW 36.55.040 and K.C.C. 6.27.050.
SECTION 2. The King County council, having determined that Skykomish's application meets the criteria for the granting of a sewer franchise and that said granting is in the best interests of the public, does hereby approve the attached franchise agreement and authorizes the King County executive to execute the same.
If, within forty five days after the granting of the franchise, the applicant failed to sign the written acceptance incorporated in this ordinance, then the rights and privileges granted in this ordinance shall be forfeited and the franchise is null and void.
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