Clerk 08/19/2010
A MOTION revising the Regional Stakeholder Task Force Work Plan; and rescinding Motion 13189.
WHEREAS, King County has been acting on the financial crisis affecting the King County transit system through:
1. Commissioning an extensive transit audit and directing the transit division to implement its recommendations for a more efficient and streamlined transit system;
2. Increasing fares;
3. Approving a property tax for transit through a revenue-neutral efforts;
4. Deferring some Transit Now services additions while implementing the RapidRide and partnership components of Transit Now; and
5. Adopting a 2010-2011 biennium budget with two hundred thousand hours of efficiency and low-impact service reductions, staffing reductions, reduction of fleet replacement and operating reserves, capital program reductions, and other efficiencies;
WHEREAS, Motion 13189 established the work plan for a regional stakeholder task force to develop recommendations for the King County transit system, and
WHEREAS, the task force is actively engaged in developing recommendations regarding a policy framework for King County's transit system that reflects prioritization of the key system design factors, and
WHEREAS, the task force has requested a one month extension through the end of October 2010 to complete its work, and
WHEREAS, the King County council intends to consider task force recommendations to enhance the viability and effectiveness of the King County transit system in advance of the 2011 Washington State legislative session, and
WHEREAS, the King County council is supportive of the Regional Transit Committee considering executive transmitted regional transit policy recommendations in advance of department proposed 2012-2013 budget submittals, and
WHEREAS, a delay of task force recommendations to the end of October 2010 has broader schedule implications by challenging and compressing the timeline to effectively cons...
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