A MOTION relating to deleting the requirement of the executive to provide to the council a monthly report showing vacant positions by department; and rescinding Motion 11154.
WHEREAS, Motion 11154 requires the executive to provide to the council a monthly report showing vacant positions by department ("the employee vacancy report") that indicate whether a term-limited temporary employee, also known as a TLT, is backfilling the position, the salary and benefits associated with a position and how long the position has been vacant, and
WHEREAS, the employee vacancy report requested by Motion 1154 is to be filed on a monthly basis with the clerk by the 28th of the following month and distributed to each councilmember and to the lead staff of the budget and fiscal management committee, and
WHEREAS, the council has determined that receiving the employee vacancy report on a quarterly basis would still provide sufficient information and opportunity for oversight, and
WHEREAS, Proposed Ordinance 2017-0501, if enacted, would codify the reporting requirement for the employee vacancy report and change the frequency to quarterly;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
Motion 11154 is hereby rescinded.